
外研版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 2 Exploring English Developing ideas课件(共33张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:81次 大小:83857656Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Explore English Developing ideas Read the following expressions and guess their meanings. ring a bell small potatoes toilet water at sixes and sevens green fingers Guessing Games pull up one’s socks Lead-in: Your description rings a bell, but I don't think I've ever been there myself. He's extremely sure he has met the girl before, though her name doesn't ring a bell. 【ring a bell】 Something sounds familiar 听起来耳熟 Using toilet water can help you to avoid mosquitos, or flies. 【toilet water】 toilet water is fairly weak and inexpensive perfume. 花 露 水 We are only small potatoes. The manager won't listen to us. That’s small potatoes compared to the real problem. 【small potatoes】 something unimportant in comparison with something else 小 人 物 His wife was away and the house was at sixes and sevens. They haven't come back yet, so I'm all at sixes and sevens. 【 at sixes and sevens 】 in a confused, badly organized, or difficult situation 乱七八糟 If you want to win the end-of-year competition, you'll have to pull up your socks. Pull your socks up and we have to try it again. 【pull up one's socks 】 take one‘s courage to do; cheer up 努力向上 She has unbelievably green fingers, she can grow anything. 【green fingers】 be good at making plants grow 园艺能手 Read the following expressions and guess their meanings. What's up ring a bell small potatoes toilet water at sixes and sevens green fingers Guessing Games pull up one’s socks 怎么回事 听起来耳熟 小人物,小角色 花露水 乱七八糟 园艺高手 努力工作,重新再做 — How did you make it in guessing the difficult words and expressions — By using context clues. (语境 、上下文线索 ) Read the four posts quickly and find out what puzzled Yancy, Sophie, Julien and Zheng Xu She had a frog in her throat. the ground floor / the first floor wicked Not bad [w kt , w k d] Read to find out misunderstood expressions: What are the meaning of the misunderstood words or expressions in their stories Can you figure them out Can you tell me the clue words Read to guess the correct meanings of the confusing expressions : unable to speak clearly because your throat is dry or blocked; it doesn’t really mean there’s a frog in your throat have a frog in one’s throat 1 clue words 原因 the first floor/the ground floor 2 (BrE) the floor of a building above the one at ground level; (AmE) the floor of a building at ground level clue words 结果 转折 the first floor/the ground floor 2 I’m a/an _____. American I’m a/an _____. British wicked 3 very good, fantastic (informal) clue words 转折 not bad 4 pretty good, better than you expected clue words 转折 Where can we usually find clue words through the logic words. What's up ring a bell small potatoes toilet water at sixes and sevens green fingers A quick review pull up one’s socks Discuss the reasons for misunderstood expressions: Read the dialogues between a Chinese and a foreigner and try to figur ... ...

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