
Unit 2 School life Lesson 1 CLIL 课件 (共17张PPT)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:88次 大小:11151644Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 School life CLIL Let’s get our school things ready. (学习用品) Maisy Max I’m ready for school! Who is ready for school messy clean Do they follow the teacher Stand up. Sit down. Put up your hand. Look at the blackboard. Open your book. Close your book. PLAY TIME Sit down. Stand up. A B C D Who is right Open … Close … Who is right A B C D Look at the blackboard. Listen and repeat. PLAY TIME Open your book. Close your book. Look at the teacher. Look at the blackboard. … At school Thank you 0 90 L111111111111111117 NELCOME SCHOOL BACKTO @ N /+2 2+2= i) .3 y 蛋 之 D 片来:eer库 C. Closed Open Vectorstock 2意r范r0A3 O 0 A 卫 ● Stand up. Put up your hand. Sit down. Who What ... Open your book. Look at the blackboard. Close your book.

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