
Unit 2 School life Lesson 4 I love my wonderful school life 课件 (共28张PPT)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:24次 大小:22078367Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 School life Lesson 4 I love my wonderful school life This is our beautiful school, beautiful school, beautiful school. This is our beautiful school, beautiful every day! Let’s chant! What’s beautiful at our school School things People at school Fun activities Places I like What’s beautiful at our school What do you do at school ... Say and act. Play ping-pong. Draw a robot. Write your name. Go to the playground. Draw a flower. Write ABC. Play football. Play basketball. ... Yes, it is. Guess and say. Is this a pencil Welcome to my school! Read and match. Read and match. Do you like my school Why Do animals have schools We love our school! Where are they Listen and number. 1 2 3 4 What do animals learn at school An elephant can walk, walk, walk, walk. A frog can hop, hop, hop, hop. A fish can swim, swim, swim, swim. An egg can roll, roll, roll, roll. Let’s chant! An elephant can walk, walk, walk, walk. A frog can hop, hop, hop, hop. A fish can swim, swim, swim, swim. An egg can roll, roll, roll, roll. Let’s chant! Where do they sit Group Work Tips Work together to arrange the seats for animals. 为卡片上的动物排好座位。 Share your plan and explain it. 分享你们小组的方案并说明排序 的依据。 Let’s share. elephant frog goat horse insect Read and write. Read and write. Read and write. Read and write. Read and write. What is your school life like Team Task: Introduce your school life. Topic 主题 Steps 步骤 Question 问题 Language 语言 Content 内容 Assessment 评价

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