
Module 3 Unit 2 Around my home Period 4 表格式教案

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:45次 大小:56371Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Plan 4A Module 3 Places and activities Unit 2 Around my home Period 4 Teaching contents: Look and read P40 Teaching aims: 1.掌握单词place, centre, hotel。理解单词in the centre of, stay in…。 2.掌握句型…is…of Shanghai. It’s a good place to… 3.能用We can…来表述参观地点和内容。 4.了解上海著名的地方,会用重点句型作介绍。 Teaching focuses: 1.掌握句型…is…of Shanghai. It’s a good place to… 2.能用We can…来表述参观地点和内容。 Teaching difficulties: 1.掌握句型…is…of Shanghai. It’s a good place to… Teaching aids: 上海景点的明信片,图片,多媒体课件 Teaching procedures: Stages Teachers’ activities Students’ activities Purposes Stage 1Pr-task 1.Warming up 1.Sing a song. 营造宽松的学习氛围,使学生快速调整状态,投入到学习过程中。 2. Daily talk: Ask the way. e.g. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to… Ask and answer:S1: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to… S2: Yes, it’s near…( restaurant, supermarket… ) Work in pairs. 借助问路,复习身边不同的地方,从而引出Alice到学校收到特殊礼物的情境。 Stage 2While-task 1. A special gift1)Read the passage.T: Alice is new student. Today is her birthday. Her classmates give her many gifts. Look, this is a special gift. What is it 2)Learn the new word:place3)Learn the new pattern: It’s a good place to…4)Practice2. Passage 1: Nanjing Road is in the centre of Shanghai 1)Learn the new words:centre, hotel(in the centre of , stay in…)2)Say: Nanjing Road is a good place to…3. Passage 2: The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is the famous place of Shanghai. 1)T: Do you know our mother river 2)Learn the new word: the Oriental Pearl TV Tower3)Talk about:The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is the famous place of Shanghai. It’s a good place to .We can see . We can (do). 4)T:Do you know other good places to see wonderful Shanghai 4. Passage 3: Yu Garden is the interesting place of Shanghai. 1)Learn the new words:Yu Garden2)Talk about:Yu Garden is the place of Shanghai. It’sa good place to .We can see . We can (do). 3)T: Do you know other good places to eat Chinese food 1)A guessing game. Look at the gift. What is it ( a set of postcards of Shanghai) 2)Look at the passage and learn :place places3)Read after the teacher4)Talk about what places do you know around your home.1)Listen and learn the new words.Read the passage: Nanjing Road———A busy road in Shanghai 2)Ask and answer:(Do pair works)S: Nanjing Road is in the centre of Shanghai. It’s a good place to have fun. 1)Watch VCD2)Learn the new word: the Oriental Pearl TV TowerRead after the teacher.T: Answer the questions:How is the Oriental Pearl TV Tower What can you see What can you do 3)Brain storm 4)Pair work.Then read the passage.5)Practice: Say by yourself1)Watch VCD and learn :Yu Garden2) Listen and answer:T: How is Yu Garden What can you see What can you eat in Yu Garden Read the passage. 设置明信片话题,引出新授内容。通过谈论学生所知道的身边的地方,运用儿歌等形式学习新授词汇与句型。看第一张明信片,感受南京路的繁华,学习并知道南京路是上海的中心。鼓励学生和 ... ...

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