
人教版(2024)七年级上册Unit 1 You and Me练习课件(7份打包)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:98次 大小:2519194Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 快速核答案 小语境练考点 考点一 first name,last name,middle name与full name辨析 1.first name 2.last,family name 3.full name 4.middle name 考点二 speak,say,tell与talk辨析 5.tell 6.speak 7.say 8.talks 考点三 both与all辨析 9.Both 10.All 11.Both 考点四 would like的用法 12.to help 13.would like, to meet 14.Yes, like/love to 微语段练词汇 1.His,He,him 2.am,Is,isn't,is,are,are Unit 1 You and Me 单元考点变式训练 考点一 first name,last name,middle name与full name辨析 知识链接:讲解详见背记本 P10考点2 1.你的名字是凯特吗? Is your _____ _____ Kate first name 2.埃里克的姓是布朗。 Eric's ____ /_____ _____ is Brown. last family name 3.我好朋友的全名叫凯特·史密斯。 My good friend's _____ _____ is Kate Smith. full name 4.我是迈克·托尼·布朗。你知道我的中间名吗? I'm Mike Tony Brown. Do you know my _____ _____ middle name 考点二 speak,say,tell与talk辨析 知识链接:讲解详见背记本 P11考点4 用speak,say,tell或talk的适当形式填空。 5.Let me ____ you a story. 6.Sally is from Sydney,but she can _____ Chinese. 7.Can you ____ “Hello” in Chinese 8.Lisa often _____ to her friends on the phone. tell speak say talks 考点三 both与all辨析 知识链接:讲解详见背记本 P11考点6 9._____ Jane and Mary are my good friends. 10.____ the students are here. 11._____ of the twins like pet dogs. Both All Both 考点四 would like的用法 知识链接:讲解详见背记本 P11考点7 12.I would like _____(help) him. to help 13.我想要你见见她。 I _____ _____ you ___ _____ her. would like to meet 14.Would you like to join(加入) us (作肯定回答) _____,I'd _____/_____ ___. Yes like love to 1.I have a pen pal._____ name is John Brown.____ is in Grade Seven. I often write to _____.(he) 2.Good morning! I ____ Toby.___ that girl Grace Oh,no,she _____.She ___Lucy. And ____ the two pens Lucy's Yes, they ____.(be) His He him am Is isn't is are are(课件网) 快速核答案 课前积累 01 重点单词 1.parrot 2.guitar 3.tennis 4.even 6. hobby 7.hey 8.information 9.would 02 重点短语 1.play the guitar 2.would('d) like to 3.Beijing roast duck 4.a pet bird 5.after school 6.favourite food 03 重点句子 1.live in,big family 2.even speaks,Chinese 3.favourite sport 4.want to 5.play the guitar 6.Would you like to 课堂探究 要点1 speak,say,talk与tell辨析(教材1b) 【练习】 1.tells 2.says 3.to speak 4.talk 要点2 would like的用法(教材1b) 【练习】 Ⅰ.单句语法选择。 1.B Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 2.to come 3.to drink 要点3 information的用法(教材1c) 【练习】 Ⅰ.单句语法选择。 1.B Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 2.any information about 教材回归 Ⅰ.根据教材1b内容,选择正确答案。 1.A 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C Ⅱ.根据教材1b内容,完成短文填空。 6.with 7.has 8.speaks 9.tennis 10.friends 11.London 12.parents 13.great 14.band 15.Would Unit 1 You and Me Section B What do we need to know about a new friend 第四课时 Section B(1a~1d) 01 重点单词 1./ p r t/n.鹦鹉 2./ɡ tɑ:(r)/n.吉他 3./ ten s/n.网球 4./ f :r m/n. ... ...

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