
人教版(2024)七年级上册Unit 7 Happy Birthday 训练提升课件(5份打包)

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:80次 大小:1377577Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) PPT下载 http://www./xiazai/ 每日练 Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 第四课时 Section B(1c 1d) 一、句子翻译 根据所给中文, 完成下列句子, 每空一词。 1. 骑自行车出行是一个好主意。 It’s to go out by bike. 2. 这周末我要和朋友做一些有趣的事情。 I will do with my friends this weekend. a good idea something interesting 3. 这些视频可以帮我记住和家人的快乐时光。 These videos can help me with my family. 4. 据说,如果你在看流星的时候许个愿, 总有一天 它会实现。 It’s said that if you while seeing a shooting star,it may come true some day. remember fun times make a wish ( A )1. What a      lesson Miss Smith gave us! We’ve learned a lot. A. meaningful B. beautiful C. colourful A 二、选择填空。 ( C )2. You can make a wish first and then      the candles on the cake. A. turn off B. look for C. blow out C ( B )3. The farmers pick tea leaves in a special activity every spring to      the first harvest(丰收) of the year. A. mind B. mark C. miss B ( A )4. —Would you like some tea, please —Yes, and please get some honey. I like tea      honey. A. with B. in C. about A ( C )5. —Why not go out for a walk with me —     . It’s good for our health. A. Yes, please B. Thanks a lot C. Good idea C 1. birthday, do, meaningful, make, how, you, your 2. with, noodles, eggs, always, eat, I, birthday . 3. for, is, planting, a, great, your, birthday, idea, a, tree . How do you make your birthday meaningful I always eat birthday noodles with eggs Planting a tree for your birthday is a great idea 三、连词成句。 4. chocolate, my, cake, always, mother, favourite, makes, my . 5. at, fun, to, look, it, is, the, later, marks . My mother always makes my favourite chocolate cake It is fun to look at the marks later. 四、教材整合 根据教材Section B 1b部分的内容, 补全短文, 每空一词。 People from different countries celebrate their birthdays in different ways. In China, people eat birthday noodles because it means . Yu Xiaoming’s birthday is on . He always eats birthday noodles with eggs on that day. a long life 13th May Every year on his birthday, he with his family under the big tree in his village because the photos help him with his family. This year, he wants to plant a small tree and watch it . In Judy Clark’s country, people eat cakes on their birthdays. They often sing the “Happy birthday” song, , blow out candles, enjoy the cake and open their gifts. Judy’s birthday is on . Besides doing these activities, Judy’s father also on the door every year. It’s fun for her to look at the marks later. takes a photo remember fun times grow with him make a wish 28th July marks her height 五、阅读理解。 A Roberta Smoughton’s birthday is less common than others’. She was born over 24 years ago but she has only had six “real” birthdays. Roberta is a leaper—someone born on February 29th. This date only appears every four years. “At eight, I started to understand why my birthday was diffe ... ...

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