
Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section B (2a-2e) 说课稿(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:70次 大小:6938243Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section B (2a-2e) 04 01 Analysis of teaching material Contents 02 Teaching Procedures 06 Teaching Reflection 03 05 Analysis of students Teaching objectives Teaching methods Teaching procedures 1 Analysis of teaching material Theme: good living habits Type: exposition Content: students’ free time activities Vatrious activities are provided in this lesson to improve students’reading skills. To understand new words and phrases in certain situations to master sentence patterns. WHAT WHY HOW Average level of English Basic English reading skills Eager to learn well The lack of deep thinking Don’t kown how to use Advantages Disadvantage Arouse students’ deep thinking 2 Analysis of the students 核心素养提升点 教学目标 认知层次 语言能力 1. recognize the new words and phrases 2. retell the story by using the sentence pattern 学习理解 学习能力 3. watching, speaking, reading 应用实践 思维品质 4. observation, predication, construction 文化意识 5. understand the diversity, appreciate the excellence of cultures from home and abroad 迁移创新 3 Teaching objectives master some new words and phrases. Important points Difficult points express their opinions by using the target language. 4 Emphasis & difficulties Task-based language teaching Improvement 5 Teaching and learning methods Situational language teaching Individual study Cooperative study 5 Teaching procedures warm-up while-reading homework Procedures post-reading pre--reading Leading in: By playing a video of ZhongNanShang. and talk about his habits. Step 1 Procedures hot topic arouse the interests Pre-reading: What do you usually do in your free time Step 2 Procedures Ability objective and difficult point. 1. fast reading: What do No.5 high school students do in their free time Step 3 Procedures Ability objective get the main idea 2.Careful reading: ① read para.2 and do true or false. Step 3 Procedures read the para.4 and fill in the blanks. ② read para.3 and answer the questions. ③ Procedures 2.Careful reading: read para.5 and answer the questions. Step 3 do exercise together ④ ⑤ more active Post- reading: give dear students some advice to help them improve health Step 4 Procedures Review develop writing skills Homehork: assigning the homework in different levels. Step 5 Procedures 5 Blackborad design 6 Teaching reflection 1. Combine English learning and information technology. 2. Arouse students’ deep thinking. Highlights 1. Encourage more students to express themselves freely. 2. More time should be given to students to write. Improvements Thanks for listening!

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