
Unit 2 How often do you exercise Period V Section B 3a-Self Check教案 人教版八年级上册

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:69次 大小:86528Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Period Ⅴ Section B(3a~Self Check) 1.了解Jane的好习惯与坏习惯。 2.写一篇报告,说说自己的好习惯与坏习惯。 1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:dentist,magazine,however,than,almost,none,less,point。 2.通过大量练习,进一步巩固一般现在时的用法。 3.通过健康测试让学生明确:要想健康,最重要的方式就是运动。 4.培养学生的阅读理解能力和写作能力。 5.通过健康测试,知道自己的饮食习惯存在哪些问题,以利于改进。 1.重点:能运用相关资料对他人的好习惯与坏习惯进行调查。 2.难点:能运用所给的提示词完成关于人物生活习惯的写作。 Step 1 Warming up and revision 1.Show some pictures of your daily activities.Tell students your good activities and bad activities. 2.Let some students tell about how often they do some activities and judge whether they are good or bad habits. 【设计意图】以观察图片并组织讨论的形式导入新课。 Step 2 Practice(3a~3b) Work on 3a 1.Tell students to look at the information in the chart and summarize the percentage for each activity.Then have students match the percentages with words. 2.Have students read the report and try to fill in the blanks with the words summarized just now.Then check the answers in class. 【Keys:every day;often;hardly ever;usually;sometimes;hardly ever;never】 Work on 3b 1.Let students complete the chart in 3b with their own information.In the last column,use expressions like “always” “every day” “twice a week” and “never”. 2.Select some students to share their results in class. 【设计意图】以学生熟悉的日常习惯导入话题,并以小组讨论的形式让学生讨论自己的生活习惯,为接下来的写作准备素材。 Step 3 Guidance on writing methods 典型例题: 每个人都有各种各样的习惯,有些习惯能够助你成长,有些习惯会妨碍你进步。请结合个人的实际情况,以“My Habits”为题,写一篇短文。 内容包括: 1.你有什么好习惯,请举例说明该习惯使你获得了哪些益处; 2.你有什么不良习惯,该习惯对你有什么影响,你应当如何改进等。 ◆◆审题指导 1.人称:以第一人称为主; 2.时态:以一般现在时为主; 3.要举例说明自己的好习惯和不良习惯。 ◆◆思路点拨 ◆◆连句成篇 My Habits Everybody has both good habits and bad ones.So do I. I have many good habits.I always read English books after supper and often help my parents with housework as possible as I can. As for bad habits,I usually eat junk food and I hardly exercise.In order to be in good health,I decide to change my bad habits.First,I'll try to eat more vegetables and fruit.Second,I will do sports more than three times a week. In a word,I should get rid of the bad habits and make my life better. 【设计意图】通过一篇典型例题的讲解,用思维导图的形式,让学生了解如何谋篇布局来完成一篇写作。 Step 4 Writing(3c) 1.Let students write a report about their good and bad habits and say how often they do things,using the report in 3a as an example. 2.Writing guide: (1)First,write some sentences about habits according to the chart. (2)Second,write the good habits first,then the bad ones;and make them in correct order.What's more,you should use some conjunctions correctly,such as however and ... ...

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