

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:41次 大小:9766918Byte 来源:二一课件通
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哈十七中学2024-2025学年度(上)九年级暑假作业验收 英语学科试卷 20240911 一、单项选择(本题共10分,每小题1分) ()1.What unusual days we've spent together!I really hope that we can be together sometime soon. A.a B.an C/ ()2.--People in the north like to go like Hainan or Yunnan in winter. --That's true. A.nowhere warm B.somewhere warm C.cool places ()3--In China,a baby's first month birthday is a special event and with a special party. --Yes,it's a traditional Chinese way. A.was celebrated B.is celebrated C.will celebrate )4.Mr.Wang often encourages young persons,especially his students,more books to get more knowledge in their free time. A.reading B.read C.to read )5.Recently,a highly expected video game named'Black Myth:Wu Kong”《黑神话.悟'空》,based on ancient Chinese _"Journey to the West"was released (worldwide on August 20th,2024, exciting gamers _around the world. A.classic,rapidly B.novel,hardly C.pattem,mostly )6.I'm going to give away some of my favorite books to the children in poor areas,but I feel a bit sad when I them. A.part with. B.put off' C.give up ()7.-Have you read“Three Hundred Tang Poems'《唐诗三百首)yet --Not finished yet.I borrowed it from the library and it for one week A.have borrowed B.have kept C.had ( )8.The year 2024 celebrates the Chinese Year of the Dragon.In Chinese culture,the dragon is a symbol of power and good luck.People the dragon ancient times. A.admired,when B.have admired,since C.have admired,for )9--Please these soft toys and board games for young kids before giving them away. --No problem,I'll be more careful. A.check out B.bring out C.cut out )10.--In this year's Paris Olympic Games,the Chinese Olympic athletes won a total of 40 gold medals. and many Olympic events with excellent skills and won honors for our country. --They are the role models in this new age we should learn from. A.when B.who C.which 二、完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分) My parents seldom (encouraged me to ask for help,so I trained myself to become as independent as possible.I thought if I asked for help,I would be a 11 to other people. A few years ago,I was on a trip.In order to save money,I planned to stay 12,in a stranger's house by couchsurfing ()When I arrived in the host's city,it was raining hard. My host was very13.She invited me to go for a walk with her around her city.At that time,I didn't even have the right shoes for the bad weather.I wanted to ask her 14 she had any shoes for me,but I didn't want to trouble her.15,I said nothing. It was really cold outside,and the heavy rain made my shoes wet.When we got home three hours later. I had lost all feelings in my feet. That was all because I wouldn't ask.I wouldn't ask a simple thing like,"Hey,16 you find a pair of good shoes for me " 九年级上暑假作业验收英语学科第1页,共8页

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