
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show 单元练习课件(4份打包) 人教版英语八年级上册

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:66次 大小:1969050Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 快速核答案 01 美文赏析 Ⅰ.请阅读上面这篇短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案 语法正确、语义完整切题。 1.Watching television./They spend 45% of their free time watching television. 2.(It's) 25 hours per person per week. 3.Wildlife, animals, holidays, cooking and gardening./They are about wildlife,animals,holidays,cooking and gardening. 4.(It's) Saturday evenings. 5.Partly because of their interactivity./They are especially popular partly because of their interactivity. Ⅱ.赏析上面的短文,完成以下练习。 1.because of 2.watch television together 3.spend their free time 4.enjoy various outdoor activities Ⅲ.句型仿写。 1.enjoy having/taking a walk 2.listen to music 02 书面表达 Ⅰ.好题练习。 Ⅱ.写作指导。 1.(1)too much pressure (2)on weekends (3)spend time with family (4)watch TV together (5)spend time on… (6)enjoy doing sth. Ⅲ.写作练笔。 Hi,everyone!I would like to say something about my weekends with my family. We enjoy various indoor and outdoor activities on weekends with our family. Sometimes we play basketball,eat out and go to the cinema. I also enjoy reading books with my family and it makes me relaxed. I never watch TV with my family. In my opinion,watching TV is a waste of time and I can't communicate with my family well when I watch TV. All in all,let's do more outdoor activities. And we should not spend too much time watching TV.Thank you for your listening. Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show 第四课时 单元写作小专题& 3a~Self Check How do people in the UK spend their free time People enjoy various indoor and outdoor activities in Britain. A survey showed that people in Britain spend about 45% of their free time watching television,24% of their free time doing social activities, 22%-23% on sports and hobbies,and 10% on other activities. Other popular leisure activities are listening to the radio,listening to music, reading,DIY,gardening,eating out and going to the cinema. The most common leisure activity in the UK is watching television. The average viewing time is 25 hours per person per week. Almost all households have at least one television set. The proportion of households using satellite,cable or digital television was 44 percent in 2002.Many television programs are about wildlife,animals,holidays,cooking and gardening. All these things are much cherished by British people. Saturday evenings have always been a popular time for families to watch television together. Talent shows are especially popular,partly because of their interactivity(互动性).Even early shows like Opportunity Knocks asked viewers(观众) to vote(投票) for their favorite act,singer or musician. It's fun that viewers voted by postcard rather than by telephone or the Internet. Ⅰ.请阅读上面这篇短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写 答案语法正确、语义完整切题。 1.How do British people spend 45% of their free time _____ _____ 2.What's the aver ... ...

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