
Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Section B 2a-2e 课件(共26张PPT) 人教版八年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:18次 大小:3386866Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section B 2a-2e Rank these activities(1-6) according to how often your classmates do them. □watch TV □ go to the movies □ play computer games □ exercise or play sports □ use the Internet □ go camping in the country Free time activities eg. I hardly ever go camping in the country. 2b Look at the title (标题)and guess Prediction预测 Go through the passage and check if you guess it. D This passage mainly talks about ___ A. how often students exercise. B. how often students go online. C. how often students watch television. D. students' free time activities. 不能以偏概全 Reading strategies 阅读技巧: What does each para talk about key sentence General reading Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Last weekend, we asked our students... We found that... exercise... We all know that... go online... The answer...watching television... It is good to... through exercise. Outline文章结构 A B √ Para1. Para2. Para3. Para4. Para 5. Match the pie charts with para. 2b Detailed reading What are the questions about Para.1 They are about exercise, use of the Internet and watching TV. 2b 15 20 45 20 Para.2 Example Fifteen percent of students exercise every day. 2b Para.3 90 10 Example Ten percent of students use the Internet three or four times a week. 2b Para.4 85 13 2 Example Thirteen percent of students watch TV four to six times a week. . What does the writer think is the best way to relax Why What benefits(好处) does exercise have for us Para.5 The writer thinks the best way to relax is through exercise. Because it is healthy for the mind and the body. It is fun and we can spend time with our family and friends. 3 4 6 4 6 3 15 20 45 20 90 10 85 13 2 Do you think the students at No.5 are healthy Why or why not I think they are unhealthy, because most of them spent too much time on TV and Internet but hardly ever exercise. Further discussion Do you think you are healthy or unhealthy Why 1.How often do you eat breakfast a. Never. b. A few times a week. c. Almost every day. 2.How often do you eat fast food a. Never. b. A few times a week. c. Almost every day. 3.How often do you eat vegetables and fruit a. Never. b. A few times a week. c. Almost every day. 4.How often do you exercise a. A few times a year. b. A few times a month. c.A few times a week. 5.How many hours do you watch TV every week a. None. b. One to four. c. Five or more. 6.How many hours do you usually sleep at night a. Less than six. b. Six or seven. c. Eight or more. 1.a=0, b=1,c=2 2.a=2, b=1,c=0 3.a=0, b=1,c=2 4.a=0, b=1,c=2 5.a=2, b=1,c=0 6.a=0, b=1,c=2 9-12 points: You’re really healthy! Good for you--and your health! 4-8 points: You’re smart about health most of the time. 0-3 points: You have to learn more about healthy habits. Don’t worry--you can do it! Are you healthy Language points 1. ask sb about sth L.1 2. free time activities L.1 3. Here are the results. L.2 4. four to six times a week ... ...

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