
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show单元教学设计(表格式,5课时)人教版八年级上册

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:22次 大小:387584Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中 学 教(学)案 总课时: 学 科: English 年级: Grade Eight 执教人: 时 间 年 月 日 第 周 第 课时 课 题 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show 课型 Listening&speaking 教学目标 Knowledge goals: Master new words and phrases-- sitcom, news, soap opera, plan , hope, expect, educational, find outAbility goals: 1) Talk about preferences; 2) Make plans. 教学重点 1) Talk about preferences; 2) Infinitives used as objects: plan , hope, expect, 教学难点 Develop students’ right opinions about something. 教 学 设 计 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 Step 1 Warm upStep2 Practice Task1 1a.Match the TV shows with the pictures [a-g].Task2 Pair work:Step 3 Listening Practice1b The conversation between Jack and Mark.Task 1 Listen and number the shows [ 1-4 ] in the order you hear them.____ talent show ____ talk show ____ soccer game ____ newsTask 2 Listen again and match .What does Jack think of these TV shows Task 3 Turn to Page 99. Read and answer the question.Why does Jack want to watch the new talent show 2a&2b. The conversation between Lin Hui and Sally.Task 1 Listen and number the shows [ 1-5 ] in the order you hear them ._____ sitcoms _____ game shows _____ soap operas _____ news _____ talk showsTask 2 Listen again and choose.1.Lin Hui thinks she can learn some great jokes from_____.A. news B. talk shows C. sitcoms2. Sally thinks _____ are more educational than sitcoms.A. news B. game shows C. soap operasTask 3 Turn to Page 99. Listen and repeat.Task 4 Read and fill in the chart. likesWhyLin Huisitcoms Sallygame shows Step 4 Pair work : talk about TV shows by yourselves.love, like, don’t mind , don’t like, can’t standnews sitcoms game shows talk shows soap operasA: What do you think of_____ B: I _____ it / them.A: What do you plan to watch tonight B: I plan to watch _____.A: Why B: _____.step 5: Show time (interview:four students as a group .)There will be a reporter in each group. The reporter will interview the students in other groups and the teachers and write down the results.Then every reporter goes back to his or her group. Every student in each group will edit an article according to the results.Some students give us reports.step 6 : HomeworkInterview your group members about watching TV shows, then write it down. 板书设计:Unit 5 What do you think of game shows Section A (1a—2c)A: What do you think of soap operas B: I love them. C: What does he/she think of soap operas D: He/ She loves them 教学反思: 中 学 教(学)案 总课时: 学 科: English 年级: Grade Eight 执教人: 时 间 年 月 日 第 周 第 课时 课 题 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show 课型 Grammar Focus 教学目标 New words and sentences “what do you think of … I love/ like/ don’t mind… 教学重点 Ss can give opinions and talk about likes and dislikes. 教学难点 Develop students’ right opinions about something 教 学 设 计 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 Step 1: GreetingsPlay a game.Greet with the students and talk about the TV shows.Step 2: Pre-task1. Lead-in Use the pictures on CCTV- I to talk about ... ...

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