
人教版八年级上册英语 Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Section B 2a-2e 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:39次 大小:22500Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教 案 教学基本信息 学科 English 学段 初中 年级 八年级 单元 Unit 2 课题 How often do you exercise 总课时数 6 课时 Section B (2a-2e) 课型 阅读课 授课时间 教学目标及教学重点、难点 教学目标: 在学s结束时,学生将能够: 1. 了解No. 5高中学生的空闲时间活动。 2. 学会用频率的副词来写你的习惯。 3. 学习新单词。 教学重点: 1. 关键词: result, percent, online, television, although, through, mind, body, such, together, die, writer... ask...about, fifteen percent of the..., four to six times a week, go online, be surprised, at least, use ...for fun, the answer to our question, the best way to do, such as doing, old habits die hard... 2. 关键句: a. Here are the results. b. We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. c. Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular. d. It's good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows, but.... 教学难点: 引导学生们找到最好的放松方式。 教学过程(表格描述) 教学环节 主要教学活动 设置意图 Step 1 Warming-up 复习,让学生合作对话 What do you usually do in your free time How often do you … ? Use dialogue to discuss what free time does and how often these activities are. To import today's 2b text. Step 2 Pre-reading 完成2a. 1.让学生根据他们认为他们的同学做这些的频率对这些活动进行排名(1=最常见,6=最不常见1最多6最少) 2.用频率词来总结这些活动。学习新的单词和短语。 3.总结一下饼状图。 By ranking the frequency of students' activities and reviewing the usage of frequency adverbs, it pave the way for the 2b text. Step 3 While-reading 仔细阅读。 要求学生阅读文章并完成以下任务。 请阅读这篇文章,并在下一页中完成该饼状图。 2.快速阅读学生手册,并找到问题的答案。 3.跳过这篇文章,并将每个段落与以下各部分相匹配。 4.快速阅读每一段文字,并画出一条线,以得到主要的想法。 5.阅读文章并标记True (T)或False (F)。 6.再读一遍这篇文章,用2c来回答这些问题。 7.检查一下学生们的答案。 This part is a close reading of the text. Design these questions, let the students read with the questions, each time they read them to complete the corresponding task, so that they can better understand the article. Step 4 Language points 1. 解释用法... percent of the..., be surprised, such as doing, start doing sth. Etc. 2. 阅读它们并写下来。 Please summarize the key sentence structure in this text to cultivate their ability of summary. Step 5 Summary 1.让学生总结一下主要的短语。 2.阅读它们并写下来。 Please summarize the key sentence structure in this text to cultivate their ability of summary. Step 6 Post-reading 完成 2d,2e. 1.要求学生写句子的百分比,通常或有时根据文章和饼图。选择3或4个学生给出他们的答案,然后检查网格学生的答案。 2.让学生选择这些自由时间的活动或考虑他们自己的活动。然后玩“询问和回答”游戏,询问同学们他们多久做一次这个活动。制作一个饼图,并向网格学生显示饼图。 After reading the survey report, read the output according to the information obtained. Step 7 Exercises 通过练习来操练语言要点. Consolidate the language points and the understanding of the text by single choice and translating sentences. Step ... ...

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