
Unit 6 A Day in the Life Project同步课件 2024新人教版七年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:42次 大小:21196296Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2024年人教版七年级上册 Unit 6 A Day in the Life Project 项目式学习 project n. 项目 本课学习目标 通过参与“采访人们关于他们的日常生活”的实践活动,学生能够: 1. 能够运用本单元所学语言,采访人们关于他们的日常生活,完成一份报告,并在班级中进行分享,并比较日程安排的相同与不同; 2. 能够积极参与教师组织的项目活动,乐于分享交流并享受其中的快乐,进行采访人们的日程安排的新活动; 3. 让学生了解不同职业人群的日常生活和时间安排,拓宽视野,增强对各种职业的认识。通过项目式的学习,提高学生的合作能力和团队精神。 Unit 6 A Day in the Life Project Interview people about their daily routines interview v. 采访 daily routine 日常生活 Interview people about their daily routines interview v. 采访 3a Choose a profession that you want to know more about. choose v. 选择 profession n. 职业 3a Choose a profession that you want to know more about. choose v. 选择 profession n. 职业 3b Ask a person who works in that profession questions to find out his or her workday plete the table below; find out 查明 workday n. 工作日 farmer I usually wake up early, around 5:00 AM, before the sun rises. I have breakfast after feeding the animals , around 6:30 AM. My work as a farmer starts right after breakfast, around 7:00 AM, Lunchtime is around 12:00 PM, after several hours of work in the fields. I usually wrap up outdoor tasks by sunset, around 6:00 PM. Dinner isserved after cleaning up from the day's work, around 7:00 PM. Relaxation time is often spent with family after the day's work is done. I usually go to bed early, around 9:00 PM, to ensure I get enough rest for the next day's work. How do you make an interview To do an interview, write down good questions and create a friendly place to chat. Listen carefully to what the person says and ask more questions based on their answers to learn more. How do you interview a police officer 1. Start: Say hello and tell why you're talking to them. Make sure they're okay with sharing their day. 2. Hours: Ask when they start and finish work, and if their shifts change. How do you interview a police officer 3. Getting Ready: Find out what they do before starting their shift, like checking gear and talking with teammates. 4. Driving Around: Ask where they drive and how they decide where to go first. How do you interview a police officer 5. Helping People: Talk about how they help people who call for help and what they do afterwards. 6. Writing Stuff Down: Police have to write a lot. Ask what kinds of things they write and when they do it. How do you interview a police officer 7. Learning New Things: Ask if they learn new skills or improve old ones while working. 8. Talking to People: Discuss how they talk to people in the neighborhood and make friends with them. How do you interview a police officer 9. Hard and Good Parts: Ask what's tough about their day and what makes them happy. 10. End of Day: See what they do when their shift is over, like talking to the next team or doing anythi ... ...

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