
Unit 1 What's he like? Part A Let's spell课件(28张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:97次 大小:63054313Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教版PEP五年级上册英语课件 Unit 1 What's he like Part A Let's spell 第三课时 A C B D A C B D 第一部分 新课导入 第二部分 新知讲解 第三部分 延伸拓展 第四部分 课程小结 目录 A C B D part one 新课导入 Warm up Enjoy the song A C B D part two 新知讲解 Look! A little _____. baby He is _____. happy Let’s learn Why is the baby unhappy No candy for the baby. Let’s learn Do you have a candy sorry Let’s learn The baby likes candy. No candy for the baby! Let’s learn What’s the weather like It’s _____. windy Let’s learn Oh, the sun comes out now. It’s _____. sunny I am happy! Let’s learn baby windy happy y /i/ sunny sorry What’s the sound of “y” y y y y y What do you find Let’s learn win hap sor sun y b ba p y r y y n d y Let’s blend baby happy windy sunny sorry Listen and repeat Read, listen and chant Let’s spell No candy for the baby. No candy for the baby. I am sorry, little baby. But no candy for the baby. Let’s spell Let’s chant happy candy many windy sunny baby sorry family party 1 6 4 3 2 7 5 9 8 Listen, number and say. The ____ is _____. happy baby I like _____. candy I am _____. sorry Listen,write and say. baby happy sunny windy sorry family party many candy / i / 字母y在非重读音节单词的末尾发/i/ Let’s try my sky shy fly / a / 字母y在重读音节单词的末尾发/a / Let’s try yes your yellow young / j / 字母y在单词的开头发/j/ Let’s try Play a game party many sky my happy sorry try fly windy cry y-/a / y-/i/ A C B D part three 延伸拓展 Look! It is _____. Oh, it is _____. sunny windy Exercise Look and write They are _____. happy Look, the _____ is crying. baby Exercise 判断红色部分发音是否相同。 sorry windy baby fly 3. yellow bye 4. sunny try Exercise A C B D part four 课程小结 1. Read and recite the words, find more words with the letter “y” . 2. Copy the words .

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