
Unit 1 What's he like? Part A Let's learn-ask and answer 课件(共43张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:98次 大小:61630834Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教版PEP五年级上册英语课件 Unit 1 What's he like Part A Let's learn & Ask and answer 第一课时 A C B D A C B D 第一部分 新课导入 第二部分 新知讲解 第三部分 延伸拓展 第四部分 课程小结 目录 A C B D part one 新课导入 Warm up Enjoy the song Main scene Free talk What are they talking about A C B D part two 新知讲解 D Meet a new student Hello. My name is Oliver. Lead in Meet new teachers My teachers maths teacher English teacher art teacher Chinese teacher music teacher science teacher Who’s your ... teacher English maths science art music Presentation Let’s ask Zhang Peng! Let’s learn Let’s learn Is he young Who’s your art teacher Mr Jones. Yes, he is. young Is he young young Yes, he is. New words No, he isn’t. Is he young young old He is ____. old New words Let’s learn Who’s your music teacher Mr Young. Is he old Yes, he is. old Who’s your science teacher Miss Green. Is she funny Yes, she is. funny Let’s learn Yes, he is. Is he funny funny New words Who’s your English teacher Miss White. Is she kind Yes, she is. kind Let’s learn Yes, she is. Is she kind kind New words Who’s your maths teacher Mr Li. Is he strict Yes, he is. strict Let’s learn No, he isn’t. Is he funny He is _____. strict strict New words Mr Young Mr Jones Miss Green Miss White Mr Li Meet our teachers Good to know 西方称呼: Mr   先生 Mrs  夫人(已婚) Miss 小姐,女士(未婚) Ms  女士(不知婚姻状况) 西方人的名字在前,姓在后;中国人刚好相反。 西方人一般尊称他人在姓之前加Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms。 而中国人在姓之后加先生/女士/小姐/职业称呼(如老师、医生……)。 西方人和中国人关系密切的情况都可以直呼其名。 Language points A: Who’s your _____ teacher B: _____. Meet our teachers Meet our teachers Mr Young music teacher Mr Jones art teacher Miss Green science teacher Miss White English teacher Mr Li maths teacher Mr Young music teacher Mr Jones art teacher Miss Green science teacher Miss White English teacher Mr Li maths teacher old young funny kind strict Listen and repeat A C B D part three 延伸拓展 D Role play Act it out He is ____. Mr Young —Is Mr Young young —No, he isn’t. old Ask and answer Mr Jones He is _____. —Is Mr Jones old —No, he isn’t. young Ask and answer Miss White She is _____. —Is Miss White strict —No, she isn’t. kind Ask and answer Mr Li He is _____. —Is Mr Li kind —No, he isn’t. strict Ask and answer Miss Green She is _____. —Is Miss Green shy —No, She isn’t. funny Ask and answer Is he/she ... Yes/No,... Who's your... Mr/Mrs/Miss... Pair work Talk about the teachers Who’s Mrs Smith She’s the head teacher. She’s tall. She’s strict. Mrs指已婚女士,放在姓氏前面。 Ask and answer head teacher (校长; 班主任) Mrs Smith —Is she young —_____ —Is she funny —_____ No, she isn't. No, she isn't. Ask and answer Ask and answer She’s the head teacher. She’s tall. She’s strict. Who’s Mrs Smith Ask and answer Draw and say Draw a picture. Then practice in pairs. Name: Miss ____ Subject: ... ...

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