

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:40次 大小:556873Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年四川省绵阳市游仙区中考英语模拟试卷(四) 第一部分读第一节解阅读理解 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 1.(10分) (1)The information above is most probably taken from    . A.a guidebook B.a storybook C.a fashion magazine D.a health magazine (2)Which of the following is the most suitable for ▲ ?     A.losing hair B.losing weight C.sleeping less well D.falling asleep easily (3)Which of the following has the least sugar in it?     A.66 g of ice cream. B.95 g of cheesecake. C.100 ml of grape juice. D.200 ml of rice milk. (4)What does "Sugar that is hidden in foods and drinks" mean?     A.Sugar can hurt our body. B.Foods and drinks with sugar are popular with children. C.We often have more sugar than we can without knowing it. D.We should have enough sugar to make foods and drinks taste good. (5)What's the main purpose of the text?     A.To make us laugh B.To try to teach us skills C.To ask us not to waste time D.To advise us to eat healthily 2.(10分) A little girl walked to and from school every day.Though it was not fine and clouds appeared in the sky that morning,the little girl made her daily trip to school as usual.When school was over,winds became stronger and it began to rain. The mother of the little girl felt worried that her daughter would be afraid when she walked home from school and that lightning(闪电) might make her child scared.Following the bright light of lightening,the mother quickly got into her car and drove to her child's school. As the mother drove along the road,she saw her little girl walking alone in the rain.To her great surprise,she found that when a lightning came,her daughter stopped,looked up and smiled.Another lightning came and then another followed.With each lightning,the little girl stopped,looked up and smiled. Inside the car,the mother asked her daughter, "What were you doing?Why did you look up and smile when the lightning came?" The little girl answered with a smile, "Mom,you know,God was looking at me.Each time I felt a little afraid walking in the rain,God would take a picture of me.I knew he was playing a game with me." (1)How did the little girl go to school every day?     A.By car. B.On foot. C.By bus. D.By bike. (2)What was the weather like that day?     A.It was rainy. B.It was fine. C.It was snowing. D.It was only cloudy. (3)At first,why did the mother felt worried?     A.Because she couldn't help her daughter. B.Because her daughter hadn't taken her umbrella. C.Because her daughter might be afraid of the lightning. D.Because she had something important to do. (4)Which of the followings is true?    . A.The little girl is silly B.The little girl was brave C.The little girl was nervous D.The little girl was proud (5)Where is this passage possibly from ?     A.A science book. B.A speech. C.A magazine. D.A report. 3.(10分) Weather has a strong effect on people.It influences health,intelligence( ... ...

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