
人教版八年级上册Units 1-5期中综合模拟练习(含答案)

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:54次 大小:141236Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Units 1-5 期中综合模拟练习 一.单项填空 1.I don't know here, but I'm lucky because my new neighbor is very friendly. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody 2. helpful advice you gave us on protecting personal information the other day! A. What B. What a C. What an D. How 3.My brother has healthy living habits. He stays up late, and he is an early bird. A. usually B. hardly C. often D. always 4.-There is someone knocking at the door. -It must be the repairman. I him to come to fix our fridge two hours ago. A. call B. have called C. called D. will call 5.With the popularity of livestreaming(直播),we can buy things than shopping in offline stores. A.cheaper B. much cheaper C. much cheaply D. more cheaply 6.Jenny is going to the supermarket. And she is asking her mother what for today's dinner. A. is buying B.buy C. bought D. to buy 7.-In May 2023, thirteen Chinese scientists successfully reached the peak of Qomolangma,which is mountain in the world. -Wow! It's really fantastic. I am so proud of them. A.high B. higher C. the highest D.highest 8.-Grandpa, you said you wrote to your friends when you were young. Then did you write to them -About twice a month. A.How far B. How often C. How long D. How soon 9. you stick to your rules, you will be the one who can manage your life well. A. As long as B. As soon as C. In order that D. Even though 10.-Would you like to try something different in a new restaurant - I don't mind what to eat. A. It's up to you. B. It just depends. C. Of course not. D. I hope not. 二.完形填空 What do they know about Chinese culture About 300 years ago, Chinese culture was popular in Europe. Today, many things about China are 11 popular with lots of foreign people. The things play an important role in 12 life. In a TV show, some foreign students 13 their stories. Lisa Maslova is from Russia. She once made jiaozi with her classmates during the Spring Festival."In my 14 , we also make dumplings. And our dumplings 15 Chinese jiaozi. But I find something different in China. Chinese people 16 dumplings together. The process of making them seems to be as important as the process of eating them," Lisa said. Jennifer Muller, an English girl, has a few Chinese friends. "It is 17 to stay with them because they make me feel like family," Jennifer said. "I even got hongbao from them during the Spring Festival. It really 18 me."Jamila, another English girl, wanted to learn Chinese. "But some of my friends in London said it was too hard. This stopped me from learning the 19But after I made some friends in China, I found it was 20 and very interesting to learn Chinese. 11.A. only B. hardly C. still D. always 12.A. our B.their C. your D.her 13.A.share B. wonder C. write D.choose 14.A. school B.restaurant C. competition D.country 15.A. are similar to B. are different from C. are good for D. are up to 16.A. touch B. make C.watch D.eat 17.A. exciting B.common C. comfortable D.interesting 18.A. helped B. surprised C.saved D.woke 19.A.su ... ...

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