
新概念英语第二册 Lesson 42 Not very musical 讲义

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:44次 大小:21340Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 42 Not very musical Text 课文 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What happened when the snake charmer began to play jazz As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snake charmer with two large baskets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a look at him. As soon as he saw us, he picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened one of the baskets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake. It rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the snake charmer suddenly began to play jazz and modern pop songs. The snake, however, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! New words 生词 musical ['mju:zik l] a.精通音乐的 market ['mɑ:kit] n.市场,集市 snake charmer [sneik t ɑ:m ] 玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制) pipe [paip] n.(吹奏地)管乐器 tune [tju:n] n.曲调 glimpse [glimps] n.一瞥 snake [sneik] n.蛇 movement ['mu:vm nt] n.动作 continue [k n'tinju:] v.继续 dance [dɑ:ns] v.跳舞 obviously [' bvi sli] ad.显然 difference ['difr ns] n.差别 Indian ['indi n] a.印度的 Grammar focus 语法 1. As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest. 当我们穿过旧德里的一个市场时走了很长一段路,我们在一个广场上停下来休息。 这是一个由as引导的时间状语从句。从句的动作发生在主句之前,当我们在一个广场上停下来休息的时候,已经走了很长一段路,所以从句的时态是had had过去完成时,第二个had是have的过去分词。have a walk表示走路或者散步,类似的表达还有have a talk谈话。如: I want to have a talk with him alone. 我要和他单独谈一谈。 主句中stopped to have a rest表示停下走路去休息,stop to do sth.表示停下手头上的事去做另一件事;而stop doing sth.则表示停下做某事。如: He stopped to talk with me. 他停下来跟我讲话。 Could you stop talking about him 你能不能别提他了? Old Delhi旧德里,德里分为新德里和旧德里。旧德里指历史悠久的旧城区,新德里就是新规划的新城区。新德里(New Delhi)是印度共和国首都,是全国政治、经济和文化中心。 2. After a time, we noticed a snake charmer with two large baskets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a look at him. 过了一会儿,我们注意到广场的另一边有一个带着两个大筐的耍蛇人,于是就走过去看看。 after a time相当于after a while都表示过了一会儿。 at the other side of表示在……的另一边,如: But let's look at the other side of the coin. 但也让我们来看看事情的另一面。 3. As soon as he saw us, he picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened one of the baskets. 他一见我们,就拿起了一个长长的上面镶有硬币的管乐器,并掀开了一个筐的盖子。 整个句子是一个由and连接的并列句,and前面的是一个时间状语从句,这个时间状语从句的主句部分又是一个定语从句,句子which was covered with coins.用来修饰和限定前面的pipe,什么样的管乐器呢?一个镶有硬币的管乐器。and后面的句子省略了主语He。 4. When he began to play a tune, we had o ... ...

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