

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:65次 大小:1459957Byte 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    - 21:C - 22:A - 23:A - 24:B - 25:D - 26:C - 27:D - 28:B - 29:B - 30:D - 31:B - 32:D - 33:B - 34:A - 35:C - 36:C - 37:A - 38:B - 39:C - 40:B - 41:D - 42:A - 43:B - 44:C - 45:B - 46:C - 47:C - 48:A - 49:B - 50:A - 51:A - 52:C - 53:B - 54:C - 55:A - 56:C - 57:A - 58:C - 59:B - 60:D - 61:two more - 62:traveling around - 63:learn more about - 64:plan - 65:enjoyed themselves - 66:take care - 67:active - 68:stuck - 69:worse - 70:terrible - 71:daily - 72:tidying - 73:yourself - 74:scientists - 75:meaningless - 76:finishes - 77:at 3 p.m. - 78:lessons - 79:small - 80:each - 81:activities - 82:the most hard-working; work with - 83:keep a secret; saying bad words about - 84:Not only; is crazy about - 85:couldn't wait to; got to - 86:advises me to use; make sure - 87:seems to go more slowly when you are worried - 88:keep practicing; make fewer mistakes - 89:On Sept 8, 2022. - 90:King Charles III. - 91:For 10 days. - 92:Serving her country and Commonwealth. - 93:I felt sad / sorry.(答案不唯一,符合语境即可) - 94:teenagers' - 95:live - 96:studying - 97:money - 98:time - 99:travelling - 100:less - 101:come true - 102:same - 103:if 9. 书面表达: Dear Lucy, I'm glad to tell you that we will have two new selective courses this term. One is the Travelling Course and the other is the DIY Course. I choose the Travelling Course. Here are my reasons. First, I love travelling and I'm interested in different places. In this course, I can learn about famous places of interest around the world by reading or watching movies. It will be very interesting and I can broaden my horizons. Second, the course is held on Thursday afternoon from 3:00 to 4:00, which is convenient for me. I don't have many classes at that time, so I can fully enjoy the course. Finally, I think travelling can make me more independent and confident. I can learn to solve problems by myself and make friends with people from different places. I'm looking forward to taking this course and having a great time. What about you Which course would you like to choose Best wishes, Amy期学业水平测试 八年级英语试式题 2022.11 第I卷选择题(共75分) 1、听力(共20小题:每小题1分,满分20分) A)听下面10段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项。每段对话读两迎。 )1 Who is Lucy B C. ()2.What wild animal are they talking about B. ()3.Which place of interest will Mrs.Black go to next week A )4.What sport does John like best A. )5.What's their plan for the weekend A.To buy a toy lorry. B.'To watch a film. C.To practice football. ()6.Where can the girl see the photos A.On Daniel's home page.B.On her own home page. C.In the album(扣册). ()7 What time does the girl's school start A.At 7:00 a.m. B.t7:15a.m C.t745a.m. 八年级英语第1项共8页 )8.Where did the boy find his socks A.On the chair. B.Behind the chair C.Under the chair. )9.What does Suzy think of May A.She's kind. B.She's humnorous. C.She's funny. )10.What time di ... ...

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