
Unit 1 Me and My Class 基础达标卷(含答案)---2024-2025学年八年级上册 冀教版

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:19次 大小:283783Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 Me and My Class 基础达标卷(含答案)--2024-2025学年八年级上册 冀教版(2024) 一、单词拼写 1.Keeping English (diary) is a good way to improve English. 2.As a teacher, you should be with your students. (patience) 3.I used to vegetables, but now I love them, because they make me stay healthy. 4.The (当地的) people are always friendly to tourists. 5.Can you tell me how I can learn (物理) well 6.I would like some (glue) to stick the pictures on the wall. 7.Try l food when you travel to a new place. 8.I am (有耐心的) with my students. 9.We have plenty of (本地的) stores to choose from. 10.Did you (hate) playing with other children 11.It’s my p to help the old people. 12.It’s so kind of Tom to l his pencil to me. 13.That isn’t a big problem. I can (处理) with it alone. 14.“You must make your bedroom tidy!” said Alice . (angry) 15.If you have time, we can (讨论) where to go this winter holiday. 16.Doctors should be p with their patients. 17.The new year is coming. Teachers encourage us (develop) new hobbies. 18.London is the capital of (English). 19.They are (discuss) when to go to the Happy Valley. 20.My sister was (luck) to find her lost handbag. She was so excited. 21.Li Hua started (teach) English five years ago. 22.Mr. Smith likes reading. He is (knowledge). 23.My sister has many ( interest), like singing and drawing. 24.Li Ming is ready (give) his report to the class. 25.The girl with long hair is from (英格兰). She always tells us some interesting things about London. 26.To study better, we often (讨论) in small groups. 27. (某人) is ringing the doorbell. Would you please go to see who he is 28.We are busy from Monday to Friday. We can only go to see you on w . 29.Do you like to wear ( jean) They’re popular. 二、完成句子 30.I don’t like to stay with him. I with him. 31.你能给我看看你的新钢琴吗 Can you show me your 32.周末带我们参观当地的博物馆怎么样 How about showing us around the museums at weekends 33.Cindy didn’t win the tennis game last Tuesday. Cindy the tennis game last Tuesday. 34.I am glad to play tennis with you. I have of tennis with you. 35.My father bought me a football last Sunday. My father bought last Sunday. 36.Time for class. It’s time class. 37.———我可以看看你桌子上的那本书吗?———看吧。我现在不看它。 —Can I read the book on your desk — ! I don’t read it now. 38.我最喜欢历史,因为我可以了解不同的文化。 I history , because I can different cultures. 39.王英是一个讨厌出错的人。 Wang Ying is a person who make mistakes. 40.晚饭后,我们通常去公园散步。 After supper, we usually in the park. 41.关于“双减”政策,我还有两个问题。 I have about the “double reduction” policy. 42.商店里有很多笔记本电脑,但是我不确定买哪一台。 There are many laptops at the store, but I’m not sure . 43.他到处找他的钢笔,但是他没有找到。 He his pen everywhere, but he didn’t find it. 44.我永远不会忘记这次如此有趣的旅行。 I will never forget . 45.我今天对两个单词 ... ...

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