

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:60次 大小:71226Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    兴义义龙2023至2024学年度第二学期期末质量监测试卷 三年级 英语 (组卷网,总分:100分考试时间:100分钟) 一 、Read and fill.从方框中选出与画线部分发音相同的单词,正确书写在四线三格内,使句子意思完整。(共5小题;每小题1分,共计5分) sun body ten fat big 1.The milk is in the box. 2.The duck is under the . 3.The cat is so . 4.We have books and pens. 5.The dog has a long . 二 、Read and choose.读句子,选出与画线部分属于同一类的单词。(共5小题;每题1分,共计5分) 1.The map is on the chair. A.desk B.under C.your 2.I like oranges. A.man B.teacher C.pear 3.This is Miss White. A.Mr B.and C.mother 4.My grandmother is old. A.student B.pencil C.father 5.We have sixteen crayons A.boat B.toy C.eighteen 三、Read and choose.单项选择。从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案。(共10小题;每小题2分,共计20分) 1.I have apple and a watermelon. A.A B.a C.an 2.The panda black and white. A.is B.has C.have 3.How many do you see A.ball B.balls C.a ball 4.Look that beautiful kite! A.at B.in C.to 5.— is my toy car —It's in the box A.What B.Who C.Where 6.The small boy is brother. A.I B.my C.me 7.—Do you like strawberries — A.Yes,I am. B.Yes,I don't. C.Yes,I do. 8.Welcome back school. A.to B.at C.in 9.—Who is that woman — is my mum. A.she B.He C.She 10.I am from the . A.Canada B.USA C.China 四、Look and choose.给下列句子选择正确的图片。(共5小题;每小题2分,共计10分) A B C D E 1.Mike is from Canada. 2.Look!That giraffe is so tall. 3.The old man is my grandfather. 4.The watermelon is big and round. 5.Ten and seven makes seventeen. 五、Read and choose.为下列情景选择最佳答案。(共5小题;每小题2分,共计10分) 1.当你想表达她是一名学生时,你会说: A.She is a pupil. B.She is a teacher C.She is a mother. 2.当你看见一只胖猴子时,你会说: A.The monkey is thin. B.The monkey is fat. C.The panda is fat. 3.当你想让你的朋友拍球时,你会说: A.Read a map. B.Bounce a ball. C.Drive a car. 4.走进餐厅,你想吃热狗和喝可乐,你会对服务员说: A.I want some dogs and Coke. B.I want some hot dogs and milk. C.I want some hot dogs and Coke. 5.当你想说自己真傻时,你会说: A.Silly me! B.Me,too! C.Sure! 六、Read and choose.读下列句子,选出画线部分的单词的对应词或反义词。(共5小题;每小题2分,共计10分) 1.Mr Jones is my teacher. 2.She has a brother. 3.My toy bear is on my bed. 4.The man is my father. 5.I see a fat pig. 七 、Ask and answer.情景交际。从B 栏中选出与A栏句子相对应的答语。(共5小题;每小题2分,共计10分) A栏 B栏 1.Is it in your bag A.Here you are. 2.I don't like pears. B.No,it isn't. 3.Can I have some eggs C.He is my father. 4.Who is that man D.I am ten. 5.How old are you E.Me neither 八、Read and choose.根据上下文,选择正确的句子补全对话。(共5小题;每小题2 分,共计10分) Chen Jie:Hi,Dad.This is my friend,Lulu. Dad: 1 Lulu:Nice to meet you,too. Dad: 2 Lulu:I'm from Shandong. Dad:Have some oranges,please. Lulu:I don't like oranges. 3 Chen Jie: 4 Lulu:Thanks. Chen Jie: 5 九、Make up a sentence.连词成句,只填序号。(共5小题;每小题2分,共计10分) 1.①a ②time ③Have ④ ... ...

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