
人教版八年级下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A 3a-3c课件+音频(共27张PPT,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:86次 大小:32202582Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section A (3a-3c) Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came 01 授课内容:人教版八下 Unit5 SectionA 02 授课对象:八年级学生 The storm brought people closer together. Pre-reading What questions do you want to ask me about the news? Where Who What When When Who Where What How ... News News Pre-reading It was about a rainstorm. Pre-reading What’s the news about? were blowing... were making... was/were+ doing What was happening ? When and where did it happen? On April 27, 2011 in Alabama, America. was beating heavily... Pre-reading made a deep report in a neighborhood Tip1: Topic sentence is always at the beginning or the end of a paragraph Pre-reading While-reading Before During After P1. A heavy rainstorm was in the area. P2. Everyone in the neighborhood was busy. P3. A serious storm was happening outside. P4. The storm brought families and neighbors closer together. Fast reading Pre-reading While-reading 设计意图: 把握文章结构,理清脉络。 P1 P1 before during after rainstorm was beating heavily was happening was dying down the sun was rising While-reading time Tip 2: Sometimes a graph(曲线)or a chart (图表)can help us better understand the passage. before dinner after dinner at 3:00 a.m. in the morning strong winds 设计意图: 通过整体阅读,让学生以时间为线索,通过曲线具体、形象的感知暴风雨的变化过程。 were blowing People feel People see People hear _____outside his home. with_____outside, it felt like_____. _____ the sky dark. strong winds black clouds were making no light midnight While-reading afraid 设计意图: 细读文本第一段,了解暴风雨前的预兆。 /scared read and say before during after rainstorm time P1 heavy signs While-reading signs 设计意图: 培养学生细心观察生活的能力,理解人与自然紧密相连。 24 solar terms Think and say While-reading Make predictions according to some signs. 设计意图: 引导学生根据迹象提早做出预判。 While-reading Ben’s dad _____ _____over the window. Ben's mom _____ the _____ and radio_____. She also put some _____ and _____ on the table. was putting pieces of wood was making sure flashlights were working candles matches The Bens worried read and say before during after rainstorm time read and say 设计意图: 细读第二段,了解Ben 一家做了什么准备,为什么做这些准备。 P2 nervous While-reading The Bens Think and say What other preparations can make to prepare for the coming storm? They can also prepare some buckets to collect rain drops. Maybe they need to turn off TV and other electric things because of lightning. 设计意图: 联系生活,引导学生思考暴风雨前还可以做哪些准备。 While-reading Before Make some predictions according to signs. Make proper preparations on the basis of predictions. 设计意图: 培养学生预则立,不预则废的思维品质。 While-reading The Bens before dinner after dinner Ben _____his mom when it began to beat heavily against the window. They tried to _____ was helping play a card game. upset before during after rainstorm time read ... ...

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