
Unit 1 Me and My Class 基础检测(含答案)2024-2025学年冀教版八年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:20次 大小:52748Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 Me and my class 基础检测 一、单项选择 1.—Do all the students in your class work hard, Carol —Yes, _____ of us goes to school late. A.all B.both C.either D.none 2.—Did you go out for a trip with _____ on 2023 May Day —Yes, I went with my family. A.someone B.everyone C.anyone D.no one 3.—I lost my dictionary. Could you _____ yours to me, Mary —Sure, here it is. A.borrow B.lend C.leave D.keep 4.After the long exam, the students were very hungry. When they went to the convenience store, there was _____ food left, but they were still able to find _____ sandwiches to eat. A.little; a few B.a little; few C.few; a little D.few; a few 5.—Do you think I can stick the paper on the wall with _____ —Of course. It is a useful tool. You’d better be careful. Don’t mess it up in an awful way again. A.paper B.glue C.water D.air 6.—I don’t think we need to invite Mike to the party, because he’s too busy recently. —We’d better ask him even though he might _____ our invitation. A.agree B.improve C.refuse D.increase 7.—What will you do to become a reporter, June —I will write articles and _____ them to magazines and newspapers. A.send B.show C.share D.agree 8.Mr. Green is kind and always keeps his promise. You can _____ him. A.disagree B.reply C.trust D.discuss 9.We called him Old Fan, but his _____ name was Fan Jing. A.last B.first C.real D.really 10.—Could you please _____ me your notebook, Grace —Certainly. Here you are. A.borrow B.to borrow C.lend D.to lend 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 If you go into this hotel, you may think you’ve walked into a wrong place. It is not a hotel but a library or 11 . No, you did not go wrong. It is a literary (文学的) hotel. It is the world’s largest one, called The Literary Man. In this hotel, books are 12 . This literary hotel is book lovers’ paradise (乐园). If you are in, you might 13 want to go out. This hotel is in Obidos, Portugal, an old town full of history and 14 . So the hotel is all about literature and writers. There are 30 rooms in it and all of them are 15 books. About 65,000 books are in every 16 of the hotel. Some of the books were bought by the owner, others came here through 17 guests (客人). In 2015, UNESCO named the village “City of Literature”. You may ask 18 it is called Literary Man rather than Literary Woman In fact, the Literary Man is named after mankind (人类). It 19 that all of us are a part of the world of books. Welcome to this “book” hotel. Throw yourself into the world of books 20 you are waiting for your meals. Staying in such a wonderful hotel will bring you totally different feeling. 11.A.restaurant B.bookshop C.hospital D.theatre 12.A.everywhere B.anyway C.somewhere D.nowhere 13.A.often B.sometimes C.usually D.never 14.A.culture B.energy C.humour D.joy 15.A.covered with B.filled with C.trapp ... ...

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