
Unit3 Our animal friends 教案

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:90次 大小:18958Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Our animal friends 教学目标:   1. 掌握句型:I/We/They have…He/She/It has…并能用Do you have an animal friend 以及相应的回答。   2. 能用所学句型谈论关于动物的话题。   3. 会听、说、读、写单词an arm , a body , a foot , a leg , a tail , a wing ,并能对这些单词进行熟练运用。   4. 教育学生与动物为友,爱护和保护动物。   教学重点与难点:   教学目标1、3   教学准备:   动物图片、练习纸、人物头饰   教学过程:   Step 1: Free talking   1.Introduce myself(板书:I have …)   2.Play a game: Say and judge   I have long hair.   I have small ears.   I have big eyes.   I have a big mouth .   I have a long tail .   Step2.Pre-reading   1. T:I have long hair. I have big eyes and a small mouth . This is me . And I like animals . Look , I have a toy cat . What animals do you have    S: I have …(学生回答时,将学生说到的动物图片贴到黑板上。)   T: I have …, too.   2. 揭题   They are our animal friends. Today , we’ll learn Unit 3 Our animal friends.   3. Learn Story time   (1)Listen and match   I have some other friends . Look , Who are they    Now, they are talking about their animal friends .Do you want to know ,what animal friends do they have Please open your books ,turn to page 28. Let’s listen and match .   (2)Ask and answer:   T: What does Nancy have    S: She has …(板书)   T: What does Mike have    S: He has…(板书)   T: What does Liu Tao have    T: What does Su Hai have    (3) Look at the blackboard and say together :   …has…   4. Read in details   Nancy has two animal friends .Let’s meet her friends . Please turn to page 26.Read the first paragraph ,circle the new words ,and guess the meaning of them .   T: Are there any new words    Learn : body , bodies ;arm ; leg ; one…the other …   T: Do you know the meaning of this sentence : They have no legs or arms.   Read and answer:   (1) What colour are Nancy’s fish    (2) What do they have    (3) What can they do    Check the answer and stick the sentences on the blackboard.   5. Learn the dialogue about Mike , Liu Tao , Su Hai .   Nancy talks about the fish’s colour ,body parts ,abilities. How do Mike Liu Tao and Su Hai describe their animal friends    Read paragraph 2,3and 4 in a group of four ,then fill in the table .   6. Look , Here are four animals .Which one do you like Please choose the one you like to read . Then talk about it .   I like …   It is …       It has …   It can…   Step 3. Consolidation   1. Listen and guess.   T: Guess , what do like It is brown . It has four legs . It has a long tail . It can run fast . But it can fly . What animal is it    S: …What animal is it    2. Finish the exercise on page 28.   3. Learn the sentence:   Animals make our life colourful .   Step4. Homework   1. Read the story .   2. Tell your animal friends to your parents.   ... ...

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