
Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?复习清单 黑龙江省哈尔滨市2024-2025学年人教版八年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-23 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:54次 大小:27534Byte 来源:二一课件通
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英语复习学案 八年级上 Unit1知识清单 1. anyone/ eniw n/ pron. 任何人= anybody 1) 你遇到什么有趣的人了吗 Did you meet anyone interesting 2) 我想一定有人捡到了你的书包。我现在就给他们打电话看看是否有人捡到了它。 I think somebody must have picked it up. I’ll call them now to check if anybody has it. 2. everyone /'evriw n/ pron.每人; 人人; 所有人 1) 每个人都在度假 (过去时)。Everyone was on vacation. 2) 练习: everyone, every one/ each选词填空 (1) Every one/ each of us knows nothing about it. (2) Everyone shows interest in the invention. 3. someone /'s mw n/ pron. 某人, 重要人物 = somebody 1) 重要人物 an important person 小人物 nobody 2) 它是别人的书。It is someone else’s book. 4. something/'s mθ / pron.某事, 某物 1) 我为我的父母买了一些东西,但是没为自己买什么。 I bought something for my parents, but nothing for myself. 5. nothing/'n θ / pron. 没有什么; 没有一件东西 none: 数量上一个也没有 1) 今天的新闻里没有什么有趣的内容。 There is nothing interesting/ There isn't anything interesting in the news today. 2) -- What's in the box - Nothing. 3) 只有, 只不过 nothing but.../ only + n. 4) 电视上全是些无聊的东西。There's nothing but/ only junk on TV. 6. anywhere/'eniwe (r)/ adv. 在任何地方 1) 上个月我哪都没去。I didn’t go anywhere / I went nowhere last month. 2) 某个地方 adv. somewhere到处, 处处 adv. everywhere 无处 adv. nowhere 3) 你去什么有趣的地方了吗 Did you go anywhere interesting 7. wonderful/'w nd fl/ adj.精彩的,绝妙的 1) 看一个精彩的电影 watch a wonderful mo ie 2) wonder /'w nd (r)/ v. 想知道,琢磨 = want to know cn. 奇迹 un.惊讶 3) 我想知道过去的生活是什么样的。 I wonder what life was like/how life was in the past. 4) 不知道你是否都能帮我的忙。I wonder if you can help me. 5) 长城是世界七大奇迹之一。The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders in the world. 6) 难怪你看起来压力这么大。No wonder you look stressed. 8. few/ fju: / adj./ pron. 不多, 很少, 几乎没有 修饰 cn.( pl) 1) 相当多, 不少 quite a few= many 2) 仅有几个 only/ just a few 9. most/ m t / adj/ adv/ pron最多, 大多数 原级 many/ much 1) 大多数时间做某事 do sth. most of the time 2) 他们中的大多数 they most / most of them 3) 大多数学生 most students/ most of the students 4) 最喜欢… like … most 5) 最多, 不超过 at most 10. of course 当然, 自然= sure/ certainly 11. myself/ma ' self/ pron. 我自己, 我本人 二重 12. yourself /j :(r)' self/ 你自己; 你自己 二重 pl. yourselves /j :(r)' selves/ 二重 1) 自学 teach oneself= learn( sth.) by oneself 2) 自便 help yourself/ yourselves ( to sth.) 3) 别拘束, 随便 make yourself/ yourselves at home 4) 过得愉快 enjoy oneself/ have a good time/ have fun+( in) doing 5) 给自己穿衣服 dress oneself 6) 保守秘密 keep sth. to oneself 13. hen/ hen/ cn. 母鸡 喂鸡 feed some hens 14. pig/ pig/ cn. 猪 小猪 baby pigs 15. seem/ si:m/v. 好像, 似乎, 看来 1) 看起来…… seem( to be)+ adj/n. 2) 某人好像要做某事 sb. seem to do sth. 3) =句式 It seems that … 4) 仍然没有人似乎是无聊的。(过去时) Still no one seemeded ( to be) bored. =Still it seemed that no one was bored. 16. bored/b : ... ...

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