

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:55次 大小:3813658Byte 来源:二一课件通
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heavier than it seemed.Luke 19 the cup and tried to get it down.While climbing down,Luke's elbow struck against the ladder.He lost his 20 and fell down to the ground heavily.The 21 cup slipped out of his hands and broke into two halves. Luke was too nervous to feel the 22.He stood up quickly and felt heartbroken.He picked up the broken pieces with his shaking hands,put them back to the 23 and left the store room quickly.Grandma was watching TV in the living room.Luke went into his bedroom quietly so that his grandma wouldn't 24 him. That night was so 25.He tossed and turned in bed.He couldn't fall asleep till midnight.He woke up and looked at the clock many times.Time seemed to go much slower.Early in the morning.Luke knocked on grandma's door with 26. Grandma hugged Luke thoughtfully and said,"That cup was 27 to me when I was only ten years old.I won the first prize in my 28 competition."Luke followed grandma to the store room."I'm really sorry,grandma."Luke said 29.With a smile,grandma took down the broken glass cup and used glue to stick the broken pieces together.The cup was repaired miraculously! She continued,"When I was young,I once messed my uncle's priceless painting.I was not as 30 as you.I didn't tell the truth at first.It made me feel upset day and night.After a week's struggle,I admitted my fault to my uncle.That was the most unforgettable moment.I think it is bonesty that matters more than mistakes." 16.A.noon B.night C.morning D.afternoon 17.A.probably B.totally C.simply D.especially 18.A.Unless B.Since C.ThoughD.Before想益话I

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