

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:44次 大小:441896Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年浙江省绍兴市柯桥区联盟学校中考英语模拟试卷 第二部分阅读理解第一节 阅读下面四篇材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 9.(6分) He was so proud of his little girl. It was her first day of school. He walked with her to school that day, And she held his hand all the way. They walked together quiet and sad, A little girl and her loving dad. Into the school her father led, But he almost cried when she said, "Daddy,Daddy,please don't go. Don't leave me all alone. I'll miss you if you go away, And I might need you,can't you ▲ ?" "Little Daughter,please don't cry. You'll be okay,so dry your eyes. You have our memories in your heart. We're together though we're apart." He sat up front on her wedding (结婚) day. And cried as his daughter walked away. Later that night he watched her dance, He sat there waiting for his chance. The band started to play their song, Father and daughter danced along. She looked at him and saw a tear, Then leaned and whispered in his ear, "Daddy,Daddy,I have to go. I hate to leave you all alone. I'll miss you when I go away, But if you need me then I'll stay." "Little Daughter,I'll be fine. I'll love you always,you are mine. I have our memories in my heart. We're together though we're apart." (1)What text is it?     A.A play. B.A poem. C.A story. D.A notice. (2)Which of the following can be best put into▲?     A.stay B.understand C.wait D.smile (3)It can be learned from the text that the daughter    . A.went to school with her parents every day B.sang with her father when she got married C.was brought up with her father's deep love D.lived with her parents together in the end 10.(8分) Mr.Hamel picked up a grammar book and read us our lesson.I was surprised at how well I understood it﹣everything he said seemed so easy!Mr.Hamel had never explained things so patiently.It was as if the poor man wanted to give us all his knowledge in one go. After grammar,we moved on to writing.For this last day,Mr.Hamel had prepared new examples written in a beautiful style:France,Alsace.Everyone worked hard in dead silence.The only sound was the scratching of pens on paper. Pigeons(鸽子) cooed softly on the roof.I wondered if they would be forced to sing in German,too.Mr.Hamel looked at the things around him as if he wanted to remember everything in the small classroom.He had been in this same place for forty years.The desks and chairs were worn with use.The walnut trees in the garden had grown up.The flowers he had planted were now climbing up to the roof. It must have been sad for the poor man to leave all these things behind.His sister was packing their bags upstairs.They were leaving the country tomorrow. Mr.Hamel bravely kept on teaching the lesson to the end.After writing,we had history.And at the end of the day,the little children read"BA,BE,BI,BO,BU"together.The old man put on his glasses and read with them.He held his textbook tightly in both hands.His voice was shaki ... ...

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