
Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 提升培优卷(含听力音频+答案)--2024-2025学年七年级上册 人教版(2024)

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:63次 大小:3489704Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 提升培优卷 一、听力选择 1.Where will the boy celebrate his birthday this year A. B. C. 2.How old is Tina A. B.. C. 3. A. B. C. 4.When is Jenny’s birthday A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 6. A.He is 15. B.He is a student. C.He is fine. 7. A.Three days. B.Two kilos. C.Twice a day. 8. A.Happy birthday! B.That sounds good. C.You’re welcome. 9. A.She’s fifteen. B.On March 10th. C.She’s fine. 10. A.It’s 15 yuan. B.It’s 3 o’clock. C.4 bottles. 听对话,回答以下各小题。 11.When is the birthday of Daniel’s father A.Today. B.Tomorrow. C.The day after tomorrow. 12.How old is Daniel’s father A.45. B.50. C.54. 13.Where will they have a birthday party A.In a restaurant. B.In a park. C.In a cinema. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。 14.How old is the girl A.10. B.12. C.13. 15.Which month is the boy’s birthday in A.August. B.February. C.April. 16.What time does the birthday party begin this afternoon A.At three. B.At six. C.At four. 听独白,回答各小题。 17.When is Paul’s good friend’s birthday A.On June 3rd. B.On June 15th. C.On June 25th. 18.Who will have a birthday party A.Alice. B.Paul. C.Paul’s grandma. 19.Why does Paul write the letter A.Because he wants to have a party. B.Because he has a basketball game. C.Because he is very sorry. He can’t go to see his grandma. 听短文,选择正确的答案。 20.How old is Gina A.12. B.13. C.15. 21.Who is Gina’s little brother A.Tom. B.Jim. C.Tony. 22.When is Tony’s birthday A.On June 3rd. B.On October 25th. C.On September 5th. 23.Whose birthday is on September 5th A.Mary’s. B.Gina’s. C.Tony’s. 24.What does Mary like best A.Hamburgers. B.Strawberries and bananas. C.Ice cream. 二、阅读理解 Today is January 4th. It is my brother Eric’s eleventh birthday. In the morning, we go to a bookstore. My father gets him two CDs. One is Bob Dylan’s Shadows in the Night and the other is The Beatles’ Red and Blue. I buy a book for him. The name of the book is Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It is Eric’s favorite book. I think the bookstore sells things at good prices. We have a good time there. In the afternoon, my parents have a party in our home for Eric. Eric’s friends Paul, Tom and Gina come to the party. Paul gives a new pencil box to Eric. It is blue. Tom gives Eric a soccer ball. He knows Eric likes soccer. Gina gives Eric a notebook. Eric is very happy. He likes the gifts from his friends. In the evening, our parents take all of us to KFC. We can eat and listen to music there. We all like chicken, hamburgers, and cola. My favorite food is ice cream. I don’t think it is healthy, but I still love it. Eric has a very great birthday. 25.Eric is _____ this year. A.9 years old B.10 years old C.l 1 years old D.12 years old 26.Eric gets _____ from Dad. A.a notebook B.two CDs C.a book D.a soccer ball 27.My parents have a party _____ for Eric. A.in the bookstore B.in the school C.in our ho ... ...

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