
人教版英语八年级上册Unit 1Where did you go on vacation培优练习(含答案)

日期:2024-09-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:89次 大小:28097Byte 来源:二一课件通
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24秋八年级人教版英语Unit 1培优练习 单元词汇专练 一、根据句意提示,填写出单词的适当形式。 1. There is a special _____/'b ld / in this street. Many people come to visit it every year. 2. I don’t have _____/ 'n f/ money to buy the new car. 3. When I saw the things in the museum, I _____(想知道) what life was like in the past. 4. There are many a_____ in our school, such as sports meetings and English Week. 5. Tina is very shy, so she has f____ friends at school. 6. My school life here is _____(wonder). I like my new school. 7. —Can I help you, sir —No, thank you. I’m _____(wait) for my order. 8. There are many _____(different) between baseball and softball(垒球). 9. We think Miss Miller’s classes are very _____ (enjoy). 10. —Paul, does the cake taste good I made it by _____ (me). —It is great! 二、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。每空一词。 1. 考试马上来临了。我感觉我像是热锅上的蚂蚁一样。 The exam is coming. I _____ _____ I am like a cat on hot bricks. 2. 因为天气不好,我们没去爬山。 _____ ___ the bad weather, we didn’t go climbing. 3. 让我们试着用另一种方法来做这道练习题吧。 Let’s ____ _____ the exercise in another way. 4. 第二天,我们去了一个小村庄。 We went to a small village ____ _____ ____. 5. ———水足够热吗?—Is the water ____ _____ ———是的。—Yes, it is. 6. 上周末贝蒂待在家里备考。 Betty _____ ____ _____ to study for the test last weekend. 7. 杰克在上个星期一到达了北京。 Jack _____ ___/_____ ___ Beijing last Monday. 8. 史密斯先生决定了下周末和他的孩子们去放风筝。 Mr. Smith _____ ___ ____ kites with his children next weekend. 9. 大明去乡下拍了一些照片。 Daming went to the countryside and _____ _____ _____. 10. 琳达去年读了相当多的书。 Linda read _____ ___ _____ books last year. 语篇组合专练 一、阅读理解。 In 2023, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day fell together. So people could enjoy an eight-day holiday from September 29th to October 6th. During the holiday, some niche(小众) places were popular with a lot of tourists. Many people decided to buy train tickets online. According to Qunar, a travel website(网站), train tickets from Beijing to other cities, like Wuhan, Xi’an and Zhengzhou, sold out in 30 minutes. During the holidays, people loved to have long-distance trips. At the same time, some niche places became more and more popular with people. “My husband and I took a self-driving tour to the southern part of Anhui Province. We wanted to enjoy the Huizhou-style buildings. We set off from our home in Suzhou around September 29th and returned on October 3rd, ” said Zhang Lusi, a 29-year-old woman. She lived and worked in Suzhou. She said that she didn’t like noisy places. She thought quiet and niche places gave her delight. She enjoyed herself in small villages with good natural views(风景). Some people chose to travel abroad during the holidays. According to Tuniu, another travel website, foreign countries and areas became more and more popular with people. They didn’t just choose Thailand and Maldives. Also, they ... ...

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