
Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?复习课件-人教(2024)八上英语

日期:2024-09-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:87次 大小:19017000Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1Where did you go on vacation 复习课件 人教版八年级上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Where did Mrs Yang go on vacation Who did Mrs Yang go with Mrs Yang went to Zhuhai with her friends last summer. She seemed so happy. What did we do there We decided to go to the beach first. Then we tried many delicious local food. We didn’t go to the mountains because we don’t have enough time. went to Beijing went to the mountains went to summer camp stayed at home went to the beach visited museums visited my uncle Here are some students’ vacation activities. Where did they go on vacation A: Where did you go on vacation B: I went to... A: Did you have a good time B:Yes, I did. I saw some.... A: Did you do/buy/meet... B: ..... 1. How was your summer vacation 2.Where did you go 3.Who did you go with 4.What did you do I went to… visited… stayed at home. I went with my… It was… Hello, everyone. My summer vacation was ... I went to ... with ... I visited many places of interest, and I also ate delicious food. I really had a great time there. Let's talk about your vacation. I did ... 1.If exams really make you worried, try (talk) to someone about it and you’ll feel better then. 2. The students are so young that they can’t make such an important (decide). 3. The high-speed train is (full) covered with Wi-Fi, so I can use it to watch films on the train. 4. After a (wonder) meal, we told stories and sang songs by the camp fire. It’s nice to have friends around. 5. He seems (be) angry. 盲填: 1. He began to study Chinese because his interest in traditional Chinese culture. 2. seems that nobody knows what happened. 3. I was tired, I am so happy. 词汇语境练 to talk decision fully wonderful to be of It Although/Though 词汇语境练 1. It’s a very popular festival activity in north China. 2. Because of the government, great changes have taken place in the countryside. 3. When I read a book, I feel like I have entered a world which is filled with knowledge. 4. 为了身体健康,我决定不熬夜。 5. 旧习难改。 6. 这道数学题对我来说太难解答了,我需要找老师帮忙。(一句三译) 考点:复合不定代词 somebody 某人 someone 某人 something 某物,某事 anybody 任何人 anyone 任何人 anything 任何事物 nobody 没有人 no one 没有人 nothing 没有东西 everybody 每人 everyone 每人 everything 每一件事情;一切 用法: 口诀:"谓单形后接土豆" 1.谓单:谓语单词用单数。 Everything is ready. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 2.形后:形容词放复合不定代词后。(复合形容) something new/ something important/something delicious/ someone hardworking/anything interesting 3.土豆:to do , 复合不定代词后接不定式。 I have something delicious to eat. Do you have anything fun to share with us 4.难点: somebody/ someone/ something一般用于肯定句, anybody/ anyone/ anything一般用于否定句、疑问句或条件状语从句。 ( )1.--Do you have ___to say for yourself --No, I have ____to say. A.something;everything B.noth ... ...

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