
Unit3 My friends Part A Let's spell 学案

日期:2024-09-23 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:32次 大小:12004018Byte 来源:二一课件通
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· See you at 2:00pm. ● E R 100 001 See you at 2:00m nose note Coke Mr Jones Read,listen and tick (v). 1.not note lot 2.hot hope home 3.box dog nose 4. nose rose lost Listen,circle and write. 07707010000071 Sce you at 2:00t, o10-e 0 o-e 0 o-e o-e d0 ,丽声北极 礼盒装。 自然拼读绘本 三级 He plays jokes on Mum. Jobe likes to play jokes. ● Ha,hal bit of hose The Joke 乔布开玩笑 Sarah Home(英)恰 o-e 外语雅学与研究出 He plays jokes on Dad Today is Jobe's birthday. IhopeIget Mum ..Dad a joke bookl p Ha.ha!A rope He plays jokes on the cat. He goes into the kitchen. But no one is home. Jobe finds a note.But it is in code Jobe gets the book.He looks and looks 可OBE What doe itsay 上5 10.15,2 5/12,15 5,1/9 oBE× What does the note say It says,Jobe,look in the garden!" 10 0 ·丽声北极 礼盒装 自然拼读绘本 三级 He plays jokes on Mum. Jobe likes to play jokes. Ha.hal A bit of hose The Joke 乔布开玩笑 )o Sarah Home(氮)给 o-e 外学与研究出 He plays jokes on Dad. Today is Jobe's birthday Ihope Iget 、a joke book! Mum .Dad p Ha.ha! A fake nose! He goes into the kitchen. He plays jokes on the cat. But no one is home. 6 Jobe finds a note.But it is in code. Jobe gets the book.He looks and looks. OBE 9 552 10.15,2 512,15 e 5,/ > 50BEX What does the note say It says,"Jobe,look in the garden!' 9

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