
人教版(2024)九年级上册 unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious! 词汇、变形、短语、句型复习巩固(含答案)

日期:2024-09-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:69次 大小:140646Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版(2024)九年级全册unit2 词汇、变形、短语、句型复习巩固 根据首字母填空或提示,填写单词。 The flowers in the g grow fast in spring. Mum was cooking while I was l the table. I’ve lost six p since I started running last month. Social (习俗) are different from country to country. This kind of tofu (闻起来) terrible but it tastes nice. Children like watching (烟花) at the Spring Festival. I enjoy having dinner with all of you so much! This is my t . I think Simon’s red and grey (领带) matches his coat very well. Further down at the b of the page, you can find some more information. The new project will (涉及) working closely with the marketing team. Families often get together and a the full moon on the Mid-Autumn night. We often invite all our r to our house during the Chinese Spring Festival. W breaks the laws will sooner or later be caught and will be punished (惩罚). It’s this year’s first snow, and the children are t snowballs at each other happily. Be more active in class so that you can improve your ability to (表达) yourselves. We won’t get a big success unless we can s the problems one by one along the way. The little girl is so shy that she always hides herself behind her mother when meeting a s . When the (灯笼) are lit, they slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see. Every day, many tourists (聚集) there early in the morning so that they can watch the raising of the national flag. In almost every country, people believe that it is a special time to c with their family and friends and show hope for the coming year. 二、单项选择题。 ( ) 1. — I wonder whether April is a proper time to visit Yunnan. — . A.Thank you B. Of course C. I don’t agree D. That’s all right 2. — bad luck! I was caught in the heavy rain today. —You were It was a bad idea not to take an umbrella with you on rainy days. What; so B. What; such C. How; so D. How; such The words “kayak” and “level” are the same they are read left to right or right to left. whether B. that C. if D. how —I remembered you said you liked scary movies. —Yes, I did. But I don’t want to a brave face anymore. get on B. put on C. live on D. go on The criminal to the police that the hammer still where he had it. A. lied; lay; laid B. lied; laid; lay C. lay; lied: laid D. lay; laid; lay 6. —Biking is becoming more and more popular in our city. —Yeah. It’s one of the best choices for people who want to get into . A. shape B. form C. style D. pattern 7. —Do you want to return to work —Of course I do. But I’m to the house with the baby. guided B. directed C. tied D. connected —Jack won first prize in the competition. —Yes. The news really quickly. Now everybody in our school has known it. A. spread B. involved C. connected D. jumped 9. The song Dream It Possible often me that we should always try our best and never give up chasing our dreams. A. reminds B. remembers C. realizes D. repeats 10. —What did the doctor say —He me not to eat too much candy. ... ...

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