
外研版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 2 Exploring English Understanding ideas课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:90次 大小:4367874Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Period2 Understanding ideas Unit 2 Exploring English Neither Pine nor Pineapple Understanding ideas eggplant 茄子 Game time:选出正确的单词与汉语配对。 Vocabulary reflect反 映 creativity 创造性 come across偶 然发现 title 标题 unique独 一无二的 visible明 显的 alarm胳 膊 homesick想家的 Can you give me some similar expressions in Chinese Is there ham in hamburger Is there egg in eggplant Lead in 老婆饼 鱼香肉丝 Could you give some Chinese examples that can cause misunderstandings Brainstorming大脑风暴 夫妻肺片 hamburger think the passage is about Neither Pine nor Apple in Pineapple Look at the title ofthe passage and the pictures.Tick what you pineapple food cooking words plants eggs Before reading ham pine fruit Fast reading Reading tips: Activity 1:Read the passage a st sentence the main idea with each part. That is why when the stars are out, they are visible,but,... This got me thinking how English can be a crazy language to learn. For example,in our free time... Part1.(Para1) Part2.(Para2-6) Part3.(Para7) to the first or the of each paragraph. ay attention Activity 2:Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer. (1)What is the author's purpose in writing the passage A.To tell us that English is very difficult to learn. B.To give advice on how to learn English. To show that English is interesting and creative. D.To explain how English was created. (2)How does the author support his/her idea in the passage A.By listing numbers. B.By making comparison. By giving some examples.D.By using some research results. Careful reading A.They both mean“turn a handle”(转动把手). They both mean“finish or stop doing sth” . C.The first means"turn a handle",and the second means (G finish or stop doing sth". D.The first means“finish or stop doing sth”,and the second means“turn a handle” . (3)What do the two phrases wind up mean in the last sentence sculpt a sculpture paint a(n)4. painting BUT take a photo We can't always understand a compound word by adding the meanings of the words it is made up of! show the 1. uniggdness of English. no egg in eggplant no ham in2. hamburger Careful reading Complete the notes with words from the passage. In order to support his idea,the author uses many examples tha neither pine nor apple in 3. pineapple “Hard"is the opposite of"soft” “Hardly"and“softly are not a(n) 8.opposing pair seasick --sick at sea 5. airsick_--sick in the air 6.carsick --sick in a car The same rule doesn t always apply to everything! BUT 7. homesick --/-sick at home “Harmless”is the opposite of hornofu Shameful and shameless 9. ehavior are the same. burn up--burn down in a form--10. fill out a form Stars are out.--They are visible. Lights are out.--They are 11. invisible wind up a watch wina up a speech The same rule doesn't always apply to everything! The same words and phrases may have different meanings in different contexts. watch.--1t starts. passage--It 12. ends I wi ... ...

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