
人教版八年级下册Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years SectionA1a-2d 教案(表格式,含核心素养目标)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:75次 大小:376066Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版英语八年级下册教学设计 年 级 八年级 科 目 英语 授课人 时间 课题名称 Unit10 I’ve had this bike for three years. 课时 Sec A-(1a-2d) 学情分析 教学目标 Language Competence Master new words and expressions: yard sale, sweet, soft toy, bear maker, scarf, board game, check out Important sentence patterns: ①How long have you had that bike over there I’ve had it for three years. ②Amy has had the toy bear since she was a kid. ③The stories inside may be a bit old, but they’re still interesting. 2. Learn to talk about possessions and things around you with present perfect tense“How long have you had that bike ”. Cultural Consciousness Tell students to learn to deal with and make full use of their waste things, Thanks to the community to return society to care for others. Thinking Quality Under the teacher’s guide, encourage students to talk about possessions and things by using present perfect tense with since and for freely and master the listening skills. Learning Ability Through speaking and listening training, students can develop good learning habits and use strategies such as listening, memorizing and recording key information to improve learning efficiency. Also, keep interested in English. 重点 1. To learn to talk about possessions and things around you. 2. To listen for specific information. 3. To learn new words: yard, sweet, memory, cent, toy, bear, maker, scarf, soft, check, board, … 难点 Learn to talk about possessions and things around you with present perfect tense“How long have you had that bike ”. 教学过程 集体教研 Step 1. Warming up. Show some pictures of things around us and lead Ss to read them. T: Old things really bring back sweet memories. T: How can we deal with old things we don't need T: As my kids gets bigger, my house seems to get smaller. There is no enough space to do activities. It's time to deal with old things. T: Having a yard sale is the best way to deal with old things. Present some reading material and play a video about yard sale. Step 2. Pre-listeningⅠ. Look at the picture in 1a, recognize the words about old things. T: Let’s have a yard sale! What can you see in the picture T: Do you have any of these things at home How long have you had them Step 3. While-listeningⅠ. Let Ss read the facts in 1b and make sure they can understand the meaning. For the first time, let Ss check the information. For the second time, let Ss fill the chart. Then invite one S to retell the key information about the yard sale. Step 4. Post-listeningⅠ. Guide Ss to read the tape script and make sure they can understand it. Ask Ss to make conversations about other things in the picture with partners. Step 5. ListeningⅡ. Let Ss listen for the first time and check the things Amy’s family are giving away and circle the things they are keeping. For the second time, ask Ss to fill in the blanks. Then let Ss listen again and choose the correct answer. Step 6. Post-listeningⅡ. Guide Ss to finish the mind-map according to the conv ... ...

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