
2025届高考一轮复习 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册 Unit 1 Science and Scientists课件(共37张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:13次 大小:4359569Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 选择性必修第二册  UNIT 1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS 主题语境:人与社会———对社会有突出贡献的人物 Part 1 语基自主检测 Ⅰ 写作词汇 1._____ weather conditions 恶劣的天气状况 2._____ others for their mistakes 指责别人的过错 3.a _____ in the number of young people out of work 失业青年人数有所下降 4.under the _____ of the Party 在党的领导下 5.an _____ and creative scientist 一位杰出而有创造力的科学家 6._____ the environment against pollution 保护环境免受污染 7.be _____ in music 在音乐方面有天赋 severe blame decrease leadership outstanding defend gifted Ⅱ 拓展词汇 1._____ many students 使许多学生感到沮丧 a _____ artist 一位不得志的艺术家 thump the table in _____ 懊恼地捶打桌子 2._____ a large number of people 感染大量的人 an _____ from germs 细菌感染 3._____ oneself 证明自己 need _____ 需要证据 4._____ food into energy 将食物转换成能量 a complete _____ in his handwriting 他的笔迹完全转变 frustrate frustrated frustration infect infection prove proof transform transformation 5._____ deeply about the problem 深入思考这个问题 change the _____ of the scientific community on this issue 改变科学界对这个问题的看法 6._____ a solution to the problem 找到一个解决问题的方案 one of the main _____ of the survey 该调查的主要发现之一 7.protect our homes and _____ our country 保家卫国 soldiers who died in _____ of their country 为保卫他们的祖国而牺牲的战士 8._____ you in finding somewhere to live 帮助你找到一个可以住的地方 a senior research _____ 高级研究助理 provide _____ to people in need 向有需要的人提供帮助 think thinking find findings defend defence assist assistant assistance 1._____ the view 同意这个观点 2._____ her mother’s love and encouragement 多亏了她母亲的爱和鼓励 3._____ in a sweat 开始出汗;非常紧张 4.be _____ the project 负责这个项目 5.solve this matter _____ 彻底地解决这个问题 6._____ a cold 患上感冒 Ⅲ 重点短语 subscribe to thanks to break out in charge of once and for all come down with 1.如果你不明白某件事,你可以调查、研究以及和其他人交谈,直到你把它弄明白为止。(until引导的时间状语从句) If you don’t understand something,you may research, study and talk to other people _____. 2.长城是如此壮丽,每天都有大量的游客来参观。(so ... that ... 引导的结果状语从句) The Great Wall is _____. Ⅳ 写作佳句 until you figure it out so splendid that a large number of tourists visit it every day 3.她今天不上班,所以她终于可以请人把空调修理一下了。(have+宾语+宾语补足语) She is off work today so she can _____ eventually. 4.我们似乎很难解出这道数学题。(It seems that ...) _____ we had great difficulty solving the maths problem. 5.我们兴奋且高兴地在学校门口迎接交换生。(形容词短语作状语) _____, we greeted exchange students at the entrance of the school. have the air conditioner repaired It seemed that Excited and happy Part 2 核心考点突破 1 blame vt. 把……归咎于;责怪;指责 n. 责备;指责 [练用法]单句语法填空 ①The boss didn’t blame his assistant _____ the mistake, whic ... ...

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