
Unit7 What's the highest mountain in the world Section A 3a-3c 课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:20次 大小:16454404Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit7 What's the highest mountain in the world Section A 3a-3c 人教版八年级下册 pre-reading Qomolangma How do you feel after watching the video proud dangerous difficult excited Qomolangma It’s mountain in the world. It's meters in height. It's in (country). the highest 8848.86 China what other things do you know about it pre-reading What do you know about Qomolangma Qomolangma is in the Himalayas. The weather conditions here are very bad. Mountain climbing can be very dangerous. thick clouds O2 thin air It’s hard to take in air heavy storm freezing weather conditions Qomolangma has great meaning to climbers . Let's get more information about it this class ! While-reading———Skimming Spirit of climbers Achievements of climbers Facts and dangers Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Tip: The first sentence and key words are helpful. What’s the passage about Qomolangma — the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World Tip: Get information from the title and the picture before reading. Pre-reading--predict While-reading———Scanning para.1———Facts and dangers Qomolangma facts dangers 1:One of the most popular places for . 2:Run along the part of China. 3:Rise the highest. meters high. 4: to climb. 1: _____ cover the top. 2: Snow can fall _____ _____. 3: _____ weather conditions. 4: _____storms. 5: to ____ __air. mountain climbing southwestern 8,848.86 Ddangerous Thick clouds very hard Freezing Heavy Hard take in There are many dangers that you can't imagine. Although it is dangerous to climb, there are still many climbers who have reached the top. While-reading———Scanning para.2———Achievements Who Tenzing Norgar Edmund Hillary Country Achievements When Nepal New Zealand China Chinese The first people to . The first . to reach the top . The first to . in 1975 . . . . On May 29, 1953 reach the top in 1960 Chinese team Junko Tabei Japan woman succeed Tenzing Norgar Edmund Hillary (1953.5.29) Chinese(1960) Junko Tabei(1975) What makes people succeed even though it is dangerous While-reading———Scanning para.3———Spirit of climbers 1.Why do so many climbers risk their lives 2.What spirit do the climbers show us People want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. (1) We should never give up trying to achieve our dreams . (2) Humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature. what other spirits can we learn from the climbers challenge themselves never give up be brave believe in themselves great perseverance post-reading Qomolangma———the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World Post- reading———Discussion———Why does the writer use a “ ?” in the title Humans are stronger than anything else. If people work together, anything would be achieved. If we have teamwork, maybe most dangers in the mountain seem not dangerous at all. If humans have strong spirit , we can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature. Human Qomolangma > big difficulties Qomolangma is the bigges ... ...

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