
外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 2 Exploring English(教案,六份打包)

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:73次 大小:2465813Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Section Ⅰ Vocabulary Ⅰ.写重点词汇 1.title n.题目,标题 2.homesick adj.想家的 3.unique adj.独一无二的,独特的 4.type n.类型,种类 5.contact v.联系,联络 6.likely adj.可能的,可能发生的 7.subway n.地铁 8.highway n.公路 9.gas n.汽油 10.petrol n.汽油 11.apartment n.一套住房,公寓套房 12.flat n.一套住房,公寓套房 13.elevator n.电梯,升降机 14.context n.上下文,语境 15.resource n.资料,(教学)资源 16.misadventure n.事故,灾难 17.rather adv.相当,颇 18.comment n.评论 19.frog n.蛙,青蛙 20.throat n.喉咙,咽喉 21.downtown adj.在城镇中心区的,在闹市区的 22.boot n.靴子 23.section n.区域 24.exit n.出口 25.actually adv.事实上,实际上 26.downstairs adv.在楼下 27.negative adj.消极的,负面的 28.error n.错误,谬误 29.burn up烧毁,烧尽 30.burn down烧毁 31.wind up给(机械)上发条;使(活动、会议等)结束 32.come across偶然发现 33.have a frog in one’s throat(尤因喉咙痛)说话困难 34.be aware of意识到,察觉到 35.wonder at惊奇;对……感到惊讶 Ⅱ.悟拓展词汇 1.sculpt v.雕刻,雕塑→sculpture n.雕像,雕刻品→sculptor n.雕刻家 2.opposing adj.(观点、意见等)相反的,相对立的→oppose vt.反对;反抗→opposed adj.反对的;敌对的→opposite adj.对面的 n.反面,对立面 3.behavior n.举止;行为→behave v.表现 4.confusing adj.令人困惑的→confuse v.使困惑→confused adj.(感到)困惑的→confusion n.混乱 5.alarm n.警报(器);闹钟;恐慌 vt.使惊恐;使担心→alarmed adj.惊恐的→alarming adj.令人惊慌的;使人惊恐的 6.reflect v.显示,反映→reflection n.反映;反射 7.creativity n.创造性,创造力→creative adj.创造(性)的→create v.创造→creatively adv.创造(性)地 8.visible adj.看得见的,可见的→invisible adj.看不见的→vision n.视力;视野 9.informal adj.(书写或言谈)非正式的→formal adj.正式的 10.unfamiliar adj.不熟悉的,不了解的→familiar adj.熟悉的 11.addition n.增加物,添加物→add vt.增加;添加→additional adj.额外的 12.entrance n.大门,入口(处)→enter v.进入;参加;登记→entry n.进入;条目;参赛作品 13.intend v.计划,打算→intention n.计划,打算→intended adj.打算的;计划的 14.recognise v.认识,辨认出→recognition n.认识;识别;承认 15.base v.以……为基础 n.基础;根基→basis n.基础;基本原则→basic adj.基本的,基础的→basically adv.从根本上说;大体上 16.aware adj.意识到的,明白的→awareness n.意识;认识;明白→unaware adj.未意识到的 17.remind v.提醒,使……想起→reminder n.提醒;提醒人的事物 Ⅲ.认阅读词汇 1.Every day my grandfather eats a plate of cold ham and drinks a bottle of fresh milk.n.火腿 2.The shelves were filled with all sorts of vegetables—eggplants,cucumbers,and tomatoes. n.茄子 3.A bird landed on a branch of the pine tree.n.松树 4.A pineapple is different in shape from an apple. n.菠萝 5.If you feel sick when traveling by sea,by air or by car,you might be seasick,airsick or carsick.adj.晕船的 adj.晕机的 adj.晕车的 6.Keep in mind that the initials of your title should be capitalized.adj.大写的 7.I was driving up at seventy miles an hour on the inside lane on the motorway.n.高速公路 ... ...

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