
2025届高考英语一轮复习 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:31次 大小:4352635Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 选择性必修第三册 UNIT 2 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE 主题语境:人与自我———健康的生活方式 Part 1 语基自主检测 Ⅰ 写作词汇 1._____ breakfast 不吃早餐 2.feel sleepy and _____ 感觉困倦和头晕 3._____ one’s motivation 激发某人的动力 4.feel more _____ 感到更加精力充沛 5._____ the quality of my life 提高我的生活质量 skip dizzy stimulate dynamic enhance 1._____ the conversation 控制着谈话内容 in a _____ position 处于主导地位 2.be _____ with a smile 报以微笑 a _____ experience/job 有益的经历/工作 3._____ on your own judgement 相信你自己的判断 safe and _____ 安全可靠 4._____ her passport 检查她的护照 a thorough _____ 一项全面的检查 Ⅱ 拓展词汇 dominate dominant rewarded rewarding rely reliable examine examination 5._____ the papers on my desk 把我桌上的文件弄乱 a piece of _____ news 一则令人不安的消息 6._____ your doctor 咨询你的医生 a _____ surgeon 一名外科顾问医师 7._____ oneself with a cool shower 冲个凉水澡以提神 get _____ 重新焕发活力 8._____ new information quickly 快速吸收新信息 be totally _____ in her book 完全沉浸在她的书中 disturb disturbing consult consultant refresh refreshed absorb absorbed 1._____ your inquiry 回复您的询问 2._____ to work hard 决心要努力工作 3._____ a date 选定一个日子 4._____ youngsters 由年轻人组成 5.get _____ 变得焦虑不安 6.be _____ 疲惫不堪 7._____ the beard 刮胡子 8._____ 立即;马上 Ⅲ 重点短语 in response to make up one’s mind decide on be composed of stressed out worn out shave off straight away 1.如果再给十分钟的时间,这些工人会把工作做得更好。(if引导的条件状语从句的省略) These workers, _____, could do the work better. 2.如果你感兴趣,您可以发送电子邮件至12345@或亲自报名。(either ... or ... ) If you’re interested in it, _____ _____. Ⅳ 写作佳句 if given ten more minutes you may either send an email to 12345@ or sign up in person 3.如果你碰巧在野外迷路了,最好待在原地等待救援。(get+过去分词) If you happen to _____, you’d better stay where you are and wait for help. 4.一个公认的事实是,你明天没有必要早起。(there be+n.+to do sth.) It is a generally acknowledged fact that _____ _____. 5.事实证明,经常锻炼有利于你的身体健康。(不定式短语作主语) It turned out that _____ is good for your health. get lost in the wild there is no need for you to get up early to take regular exercise tomorrow Part 2 核心考点突破 1 reward n. 回报;奖励;报酬 vt. 奖励;奖赏;给以报酬 [练用法]单句语法填空 ①After being awarded the first prize, he expressed that he would continue to reward the people and society _____ his hard work. ②(2023·全国乙卷)Learning about the requirements of each plant can be very _____ (reward). ③Her parents will take her on a trip as ___ reward for her hard work. with rewarding a [写佳句]一句多译 我送给他一本从上海买回来的书来答谢他的帮助。 ④I gave him a book bought from Shanghai _____ _____. (reward n.) ⑤I _____ which I bought from Shanghai _____. (reward vt.) in reward for his help/as a reward for his rewarded him wit ... ...

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