
人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world?Section A 3a-3c 课件 (共33张PPT,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:62次 大小:119771806Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section A (3a-3c) Section A (3a--3c) Unit7 What's the highest mountain in the world To be the winners ① ② Think hard 认真思考 Participate actively 积极参与 Cooperate well 协作互助 小 组 得 分 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Learning objectives ① ② knowledge aims:master the key words and phases:achievement, southwestern,include,thick,freezing,condition,succeed,challenge,achieve,force,nature,take in,in the face of,even though. Ability aims: learn to know some information about Qomolangma; learn to use the reading skills of skimming,scanning,careful reading to analyze reading materials;know the spirits of the climbers and use them in the lives. Moral aims: learn to face the difficulties in the lives instead of giving up. The nial The Nile The Caspian Sea The Sahara Lead-in—Review(复习) Qomolangma The Nile The Caspian Sea The Sahara The Nile is _____ in the world. the longest river Qomolangma The Nile The Caspian Sea The Sahara lake ( salt ) the deepest salt lake The Caspian Sea is_____ in the world. Qomolangma The Nile The Caspian Sea The Sahara The Sahara is_____in the world. the biggest desert Qomolangma The Nile The Caspian Sea The Sahara This is the Himalayas. Qomolangma rises the highest. Qomolangma is_____in the world. the highest mountain The nial The Nile The Caspian Sea The Sahara Lead-in—Review(复习) Lead in ——— Enjoy a video Pre-reading 1.Watch a video and talk about Qomolangma. Which mountain is mentioned in the video It's . Qomolangma How much do you know about Qomolangma Mountain climbing is one of _____ sports in the world. One of _____ places for mountain climbing is _____. the most dangerous the most popular Qomolangma Pre-reading south west Jiangxi 1.Watch a video and talk about Qomolangma. Where is Qomolangma It is in _____. Tibet,China It is on the border(边境) between China and Nepal(尼泊尔). Qomolangma has great meaning to climbers . Let's get more information about it this class ! When Pre-reading 2. Look, talk and predict(预测). What will the article talk about A.The introduction of Qomolangma B. Many people climb Qomolangma C. Dangers in Qomolangma climbing title picture Tips: Look at the title and picture, and predict what you will read about. When n.成就、成绩 [ t i vm nt] While-reading 1. Skim(略读) the article and match each paragrah Tips: Skimming means to read just a few parts of the text,for example the first sentence of the para or the key words and try to get main idea of the passage. with the main ideas. Spirit of climbers Achievements of climbers Facts and dangers Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 One oalong tvery d angerous to climb.Thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard. Even m ore serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms.It i s also very hard to take in air as you get near the top. While-reading 2. Read para.1 carefully and find the facts and dangers. P1 1.Where are the Himalayas Facts 2.How high is Qomolangm ... ...

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