
Unit 3 Our animal friends 第一课时(希沃版+图片版PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:75次 大小:176936996Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 禁止直接用于区级及以上公开课 Our animal friends 3 Unit 《Mrs.Dooley's dogs dilemma》 种子阅读 Hello,I am Mr.Dooley. Mrs.Dooley and I live in a small house.She has six dogs. What animal friend do I have Let's go to my magic show. It is brown. Abracadabra!!! It has a long tail. Abracadabra!!! It has long arms. Abracadabra!!! arm f It has long legs. Abracadabra!!! 1e t g It has big feet. Abracadabra!!! ee s f t It has big eyes and big ears. Abracadabra!!! It is a monkey. What can my monkey do It can run and jump. Abracadabra!!! Pan制作 It is brown. It has a long tail. It has long arms. It has long legs. It has big feet. It has big eyes and big ears. It can run andjump. colour feature(特征) ability(能力) How does Mr.Dolley introduce his animal friends 杜利先生从哪些方面介绍他的动物朋友的? Mr Dooly,we want animal friends too. That's OK! Pan制作 Watch and match ...has... 观看视频,完成书28页连线题 Nancy's animal friends are _____ colour feature ability goldfish Listen,read and circle red;black big eyes big bodies big tails swim 听读录音,圈出Nancy动物朋友的关键信息。 They have no legs or arms. Intruction card Teamwork time 1.四人一组,任选一个人物,共读对应段落 2.小组讨论,完成动物介绍卡 3.一人饰演动物,其他人介绍,完成汇报 Mike's animal friends is _____ Intruction card colour feature ability white four legs big ears run&jump a short tail a dog Tips:汇报要大声,表演要生动哦! Report time Liu Tao's animal friends is _____ Intruction card colour feature ability red eyes run white long ears four legs a short tail a rabbit Tips:汇报要大声,表演要生动哦! Report time Su Hai's animal friends is _____ Intruction card colour feature ability yellow &green two legs a big mouth talk& two wings fly a long tail a parrot Tips:汇报要大声,表演要生动哦! Report time Pan制作 I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is black. They have big eyes and big bodies. They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim. 1 Listen and imitate Read after one Read in roles Read and act in roles Reading time 1-5 分 语音语调准确。 6-8 分 语音语调准确,情感丰富。 9-10分 语音语调准确,情感丰富, 表情动作到位。 四人一组,任选一种方式进行阅读。 Animals are our friends. Please be kind to animals. 动物是我们的朋友,请善待动物! Why do human make friends with animals 人类为什么要和动物做朋友呢? ... Boys and girls, it's your turn now. What animal friends do you want Choose、write and introduce 选择一个动物朋友,写一写并介绍。 My animal friend(s) is/are _____ My animal friend(s) It is/They are_____. It has/They have_____. It has/They have_____. It can/They can_____. It has/They have_____. . _____. ... 思考:可以从哪些 角度介绍? The dogs are in dilemma. What's the matter 自主阅读1-2页回答问题。 What's Mrs.Dooley's dog dilemma 杜利太太 的狗的困境是什么? Read and answer Story Map Title 标题 Mrs.Dooley's Dog Dilemma Characters人物 Mrs.Dooley Solution 解决办法 Setting 背景 Problem 问题/困难 Mrs.Dooley knew ... ...

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