
北师大版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 The Underdog课件(21张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:29次 大小:3930508Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 1 The Underdog Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Learning objectives: ●Know something about The Underdog. ●Have a general understanding of the story. ●Do a short summary about The Underdog. PART.01 Pre-reading a.a dog that is defeated by other dogs >5.an athlete who seems to have little chance to win > c.a company that never wins Activate and share What do you think an underdog is Choose the correct option. Eisten to part 1 and summarize the main idea. The basic information of Paul and what he is waiting for. Eisten to part 2 and summarize the main idea. Paul got the chance to show himself and became a big guy. PART.02 Whlie-reading Fast Reading Task1:Read Part 1 of the story about an underdog.Answer the questions below. Tyrone both 1.6 metres Bogues the Lions like a weak player a replacement player advantages □ love for basketball o inspiration o more practice o persistence,real skills o work hard a strong desire to play for the team Careful Reading Task2:Pair work Find out Paul's advantages and disadvantages as a basketball play disadvantages being short Careful Reading What can be inferred from the last paragraph of part 1 A. Paul would get the chance to prove himself. B.Paul would still be on the bench watching the game. C.It would be easy for The Lions to defeat The Bears. D.The Bears had never lost a single game. Do you think Paul can be a top player if he get the chance Thinking Careful Reading Read part2 and put the following events in the right order. a.A player got hurt and could not play. b.Paul jumped up and rushed onto the court. c.“Give him a shot,coach!” a c e b d d.The team had won by 2 points. e.“Let me try,coach!I won't disappoint you!” Events The coach's attitude and evidence a.One player got hurt and could not play. (“We've got no more players!! ) c.“Give him a shot,coach” Negative (“He can't play!”) e.“Let me try,coach!I won't disappoint you!” Hesitant(“The coach finally agreed.”) b.Paul jumped up and rushed onto the court. Hopeful (“It's your time to shine.”) Excited, d.The team had won by 2 points. (“..hit Paul on the shoulder ... 'big guy'”) satisfied, proud Careful Reading Worried PA RT.03 Post-re a ding Group Work Think and share. 1.What kind of player was Paul Find evidence from the story to support your view. 2.Why did the coach call Paul“big guy Group Work Think and share. 1.What kind of player was Paul Find evidence from the spent hours practicing even though he was never chosen by the coach. I think Paul was a hard-working player because he story to support your yiew. 2.Why did the coach call Paul“big guy The coach learnt to be supportive of Paul when he was the one who saved the game and helped the team win. Group Work Think and share. Paul got the chance to show himself and became a big guy. The basic information of Paul and what he is waiting for. Summary Part 1 Part 2 Summary Paul was a replacement on the basketball team becau ... ...

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