
Unit 1 What's he like? Part A Let’s learn & Ask and answer 课件+素材(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:20次 大小:50956254Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Part A Let’s learn & Ask and answer Enjoy a song Hello, I’m Oliver. Let's go to school and know about Zhangpeng‘s teachers. Lead-in Presentation Mr Young music teacher Who’s your music teacher Mr Jones art teacher Miss Green science teacher Miss White English teacher Mr Li maths teacher Mr Young. 教师风采栏 教师风采栏 教师 Is he old Yes,he is. Presentation What’s he like Mr Young music teacher -Is he ___ -Yes, he is. old -Is he ___ -No, he isn’t. old Presentation Mr Young music teacher Who’s your art teacher Mr Jones art teacher Miss Green science teacher Miss White English teacher Mr Li maths teacher Mr Jones. 教师风采栏 教师风采栏 教师 Is he old No,he isn’t. He’s young . Presentation What’s he like Mr Jones art teacher -Is he ____ -Yes, he is. young -No, he isn’t. -Is he ____ young Presentation Mr Young music teacher Who’s your English teacher Mr Jones art teacher Miss Green science teacher Miss White English teacher Mr Li maths teacher Miss White. 教师风采栏 教师风采栏 教师 Is she kind Yes,she is. Presentation What’s she like Miss White English teacher -Is he ____ -Yes, he is. kind -No, she isn’t. -Is she ____ kind Presentation Mr Young music teacher Who’s your maths teacher Mr Jones art teacher Miss Green science teacher Miss White English teacher Mr Li maths teacher Miss Li. 教师风采栏 教师风采栏 教师 Is he strict Yes,he is. Presentation What’s he like Mr Li maths teacher Mr Li maths teacher -Is she ____ -Yes, she is. strict -No, she isn’t. -Is she ____ strict Presentation Mr Young music teacher Who’s your science teacher Mr Jones art teacher Miss Green science teacher Miss White English teacher Mr Li maths teacher Miss Green. 教师风采栏 教师风采栏 教师 Is she strict No,she isn’t. She’s funny. Presentation What’s she like Miss Green science teacher -Is he ____ -Yes, he is. funny -No, she isn’t. -Is she ____ funny Listen and repeat Practice: Read and translate Who’s your _____ Mr/Miss___. Is he/she_____ Yes,he/she is. /No, he/she isn’t. Practice: pair work What’s he like Is he _____ He is ____ and _____. old kind Practice: Guessing game What’s he like Is he _____ He is _____ . strict Practice: Guessing game What’s he like Is he _____ He is _____ and _____ . young funny Practice: Guessing game What’s she like Is she _____ She is _____ and _____ . young kind Practice: Guessing game What’s she like Is she _____ She isn’t _____ . kind Practice: Guessing game Ask and answer He/She’s my ___ teacher. He/She’s_____ . Who’s ____ Practice: Read and talk about your teachers. Words: Sentences: --Who’s your___ --Mr/Miss___. Summary --Is he/she___ --Yes/No,___.

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