
Unit 1 What's he like? Part A Let’s talk 课件+素材(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:89次 大小:44437937Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Part A Let’s talk Enjoy a song Warm up Come and meet my teachers! She’s our _____ teacher. maths She’s _____. young(年轻的) Warm up He’s our _____ teacher. PE He’s _____. strong and strict(严肃的). Warm up He’s our _____ teacher. music He’s _____. old(年老的) and funny(有趣的). Warm up Oliver is a new student. He is talking with Wu Yifan. Let’s go and see! Let's try Wu Yifan and Oliver see Mr Li. Listen and tick. ———Look!That's Mr Li.Our maths teacher! ———He's so strong. ———Yes.He's a good basketball player. ———Cool!Is he strict ———Yes,sometimes. Watch and answer Who is Oliver's music teacher Who is Oliver's music teacher Mr Young. Do you know Mr Young No, I don’t. Who is he He’s our music teacher. Watch and answer No , he isn’t. He's old. Is he young Is he funny Yes , he is. Watch and answer Watch and repeat Do you know Mr Young No, I don’t. Who is he He’s our music teacher. Is he young No, he isn’t. He’s old. Is he funny Yes, he is. Great! I like funny teachers. Language point Do you know Mr Young No, I don’t. Who is he He’s our music teacher. Is he young No, he isn’t. He’s old. Is he funny Yes, he is. Great! I like funny teachers. Language point Do you know Mr Young No, I don’t. Who is he He’s our music teacher. Is he young No, he isn’t. He’s old. Is he funny Yes, he is. Great! I like funny teachers. Language point Role play Practice: Retell Mr Young is my teacher. He's and ... . I likes ... teachers. old music funny funny Yes, he is. Practice: Look and say Is he funny No, he isn't. Practice: Look and say Is he young Yes, she is. Practice: Look and say Is she strict No, she isn’t. Practice: Look and say Is she old Pair work —Who’s your...teacher —Mr/Miss... —Is she/he ... —Yes,she/he is. No,she/he isn't. Talk about your teachers and make a new dialogue. Example Exercise 单项选择 (  ) 1. —____ you know our new Chinese teacher? —Yes, I do. A. Are    B. Is    C. Do (  ) 2. —____ is your music teacher? —Mr Li. A. What B. Who C. Where C B Exercise (  ) 3. That old man is _____ science teacher. A. us B. we C. our (  ) 4. —Is Mrs White young —No, she's _____. A. old B. young C. funny C A 听录音跟读对话,并能够熟练背诵第4页对话; 模仿课文中对话,和朋友谈论彼此的一位老师,并写出你们之间的对话。 Homework

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