
Unit 1 What's he like? Part A Let’s spell课件+素材(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:65次 大小:86241188Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Part A Let’s spell Review y- /j/ Review yo-yo yarn yellow yam Lead-in The baby has a yo-yo. It is yellow. Lead-in The baby get a candy. It’s sunny. He is happy. Lead-in The baby no candy. I’m so sorry. It’s windy. He is unhappy. Presentation Try to find baby sunny happy windy sorry 字母Y在非重读音节单词的末尾通常发/i/ Presentation Practice y,y,y, /i/,/i/,/i/, b-y, by, baby y,y,y, /i/,/i/,/i/, p-y, py ,happy y,y,y, /i/,/i/,/i/, d-y, dy ,windy y,y,y, /i/,/i/,/i/, n-y, ny ,sunny y,y,y, /i/,/i/,/i/, r-y, ry ,sorry Try to read Practice No candy for the baby. No candy for the baby. I am sorry little baby. But no candy for the baby. Now chant together. Practice happy sunny party baby Try to blend candy many windy sorry family Practice happy sunny party baby candy many windy sorry family 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Listen, number and say. Practice Practice 帮小蝴蝶找家 candy / j / / i / baby yellow sorry your yo-yo happy yes Listen,write and say baby happy candy sorry Practice Try to blend Practice k i t t y m o e n y p u p p y c i t y why try shy cry fly sky 0 y - /a / 字母Y在重读音节单词的末尾通常发/ai/ Enjoy a story Consolidation 一、选出标红字母发音不同的一项。 ( )1.A.many B.by C.happy ( )2.A.you B.sorry C.family ( )3.A.candy B.young C.sunny ( )4.A.windy B.baby C.your ( )5.A.friendly B.party C.my B B A C C Consolidation 二、读歌谣,圈出含有y发/i/的单词。 It’s sunny today. Kitty goes to the park with her family. They eat yummy food and see many people. They are very happy. Consolidation Summary baby happy sorry windy sunny candy funny … 字母Y在非重读音节单词的末尾通常发/i/ 1. 听录音并跟读“Let’s spell”部分的单词。 2. 找到更多以字母y开头或以y结尾的单词, 并试着读一读。 3. 完成本单元的课后练习。 Homework Good bye !

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