
北师大版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Topic Talk课件(共18页)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:11次 大小:5085818Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Sports and fitness Topic talk n. 健康 Do you like sports What sports do you like to do in your free time I sometimes/oftenlusuallylalways in my free time. adv.有时< 常常 < 通常 < 总是 But I never/seldom adv.从不< 很少 play basketball /football /badminton / golf frequency n. 频率 I prefer to rather than go walking /jogging /cycling /bowling /skateboarding Do you like sports What sports do you like to do in your free time exercise n.体育锻炼 慢跑 eat fruit and vegetables/healthy food ● play sports adj.健康的 ● ·cycle/walk to school v.骑自行车 walk up the stairs n.楼梯 How do you think we can keep healthy We should and more often. habit n. 行为习惯 · Frequency n.频率 never, seldom,sometimes,often,usually always adv. 很少 常常通常总是 play football > after school. Let's read the Text Builder! Exercises n.体育锻炼 lay basketball /football /badminton/golf do exercise/gymnastics n.体操 go walking /jogging/cycling/bowling/ 滑板Skateboarding 慢 跑 骑 车 保龄 exercise by myself /competitively/for fun adv. 竞争地 go to the gym/the running n.健身房 lay sports with friends n. Let's read the Text Builder! l prefer to rather than track 跑道 am in pretty good/bad shape have a healthy and balanced diet adj. 健康的 均衡的饮食 n.状况 Condition Let's read the Text Builder! n. 健康 状况 I thinkI n.习惯 Habits eat fuit and vegetables/healthy food play sports v. 骑车 cycle/walk to school walk up the stairs n.楼梯 Let's read the Text Builder! shout often. M0re Condition I think Iam in pretty good shape am in pretty good/bad shape have a healthy and balanced diet Habits eat fruitand vegetables/healthy food play sports cycle /walk to school walk up the stairs Exercises play basketball /football/badminton/golf do exercise/gymnastics I prefer to play sports with friendsgo walking /jogging/cycling/bowling/ go to the gym/the running track play sports with friends exercise by myself /competitively /for fun Let's listen and underline the answers! sometimes play after school. never,seldom,sometimes,often,usually,always rather than exercise by mysef skateboarding Frequency football Look at his sports and fitness. I sometimes play football after school with my friends.It's a lot of fun! I prefer to play sports with friends rather than exercise by myself,so football is perfect for me! ·I think I am in pretty good shape.This is because l exercise quite regularly.I play football three time a week. But I should eat fruit and vegetables more often. frequency exercise condition habit · 。 I prefer to rather than ● I think This is because I exercise quite regularly. I play _(a sport)_(a number) time(s)a week. Use the Text Builder to talk about your sports and fitness. frequency l (frequency) _play___(a sport) with my .I think it is very habit But I should more often in the future. exercise condition There are six playeron each team.A player from one team begins the game by serving the ball Over the net into th ... ...

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