
新概念英语第二册 L70介词短语固定搭配汇总学习案

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:40次 大小:51808Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 新概念英语2 L70介词固定搭配汇总 for系列: be eager for 渴望 enough for 足够 be famous for 以…而闻名 fit for 适合 grateful for/to 因……感激 be qualified for/in 能胜任 ready for/to 准备好做某事 responsible for 对…负责 be sorry for 对…感到遗憾 be sufficient for 足够 thankful for/to 感谢 valid for 有效期为 with: be angry with sb. 对(某人)生气 be angry at sth. 对(某事)发怒 be busy with/at 忙于 consistent with 与……一致 content with 对……满足 familiar with/to 与……熟悉 patient with 有耐心的 popular with 为……所喜爱 of: be afraid of 害怕,担忧 ahead of 在…之前 be aware of 知道 be capable of 能够 be careful of/with 小心,注意 be certain of 确信 be conscious of 意识到 be envious of 嫉妒,羡慕 be fond of 喜爱,爱好 be guilty of 有…之罪 be ignorant of 不知道 be independent of 独立于 be jealous of 妒嫉 kind of/to 对……和蔼 north/south/east/west of 在……的北/南/东/西面 short of 缺乏 be shy of 顾虑 be sure of 确信 worthy of 值得的,应得的 to: close to 离…近;与…关系密切 contrary to 和…相反, 违反 cruel to 对……残忍 dear to 对……很重要 equal to 与……相等 faithful to 忠于…… fatal to 对……是致命的 harmful to 对……有害 identical to 与……相同的 indifferent to 对……不关心 inferior to 次于,劣于 liable to 对……有义务 new to 对…没有经验 obedient to 对……服从 obvious to 对……清楚 polite to 对……有礼貌 previous to 先于 rude to 对……粗暴无礼 sensitive to 对……敏感 similar to 与……相似 useful to 对……有用 at: bad at 不善于 clever at 擅长 efficient at 能胜任的 expert at/in 能熟练做…… good at 善于…… indignant at 对……感到愤慨 quick at 于…很迅速 sad at/about 因……悲伤 slow at 对……迟钝 skillful at/in 熟练 from: away from 距……远 different from 与……不同 far from 远离 safe from 无危险的 in: deficient in 缺少 fortunate in 在…很幸运 honest in 对……很诚实 be weak in 在……薄弱 on: be dependent on 依赖于…… be intent on 专心于…… be keen on 热心于…… about: curious about 对…好奇 doubtful about/of 对……有疑问 enthusiastic about 对……热心 reluctant about/to 勉强 right about/in 在……是正确的 uneasy about 对……感到不安 专项练习: 补全句子(介词搭配填空): 1 Many people do not approve_____blood sports. 2 Even though he is thirty-five, he lives _____ his mother and is completely dependent _____her. 3 I am grateful _____you for being so patient_____ him. 4 He might be good _____his job, but you can’t rely_____him. 5 I am thinking_____looking _____a new job. 6 Do you believe _____ all that nonsense 7 It should be obvious _____ you that if you persist _____bothering him, he will get angry _____you. 8 Don’t be so sure _____yourself ! 9 Don’t blame him _____ this: I am responsible _____ what has happened. 10 I am sorry _____having asked him. I was shocked _____ his refusal. 11 Are you interested _____ opera 12 Who is going to pay _____the damage 13 She may pride herself _____her abilities, but she’s not capable _____bringing up children. 14 We are accustomed _____ bed weather. 15 She wanted to borrow the record __ ... ...

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