

日期:2024-10-01 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:88次 大小:138786Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2024-2025 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B A C B C A B C A C 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A A C A B C B C A A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 C B D B B A D D C B 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A D C A B B C F E G 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 A D B B A D A B C D 51 52 53 54 55 B D C C C 56.a 57.Typically 58.private 59.to 60.how 61.calmness 62.functions 63.is considered 64.used 65.remains 66.范文: Dear George, I’m writing to share with you some details about the “Campus Live Chinese Handwriting Contest” that I participated in last week. The contest featured 300 participants, each given 50 minutes to transcribe a provided Chinese essay. Entries were judged based on accuracy, neatness, and the beauty of handwriting. It was truly inspiring to witness the dedication and creativity displayed by the contestants through their handwriting. Though I didn’t win any awards, the contest provided me with a valuable opportunity to learn from others and enhance my own handwriting skills. Next week, our school will host an exhibition showcasing the outstanding entries from the contest. I would like to invite you to join me at the exhibition. I hope you can attend, and we can appreciate the remarkable works together. Please let me know if you can make it. Yours, Li Hua 67. Upon hearing the noise, Allen’s mother rushed upstairs and asked what had happened. “Mary, she’s…she’s gone,” Allen sighed sadly with disappointment. “Don’t worry, honey,” said his mother, trying to convey comfort and confidence, “Let’s move together and find Mary. Six years of companion has established a close bond between both of you. She will definitely come back to her family.” Allen’s mother then kissed him fondly on the forehead and helped him back up from the floor. Hand in hand, they made their way downstairs and to the front door. Filled with anticipation, Allen and his mother went outside to look for Mary. They called out Mary’s name, even imitating bird sounds as they walked down the street. They scanned their way down one block after another-eventually they found themselves at the entrance of the park Allen and Mary had been to multiple times. Amazingly, it was Mary that was perching atop of the bench where Allen always liked to sit in times of sorrow and loneliness. At the sight of Allen, Mary unhesitatingly spread her wings and flew, chirping all the way, into Allen’s cupped hand. His mother was right after all: Mary always found her way back to Allen’s heart. 石嘴山市第一中学2024-2025学年高二年级9月月考 英语试题 一、听力选择题 1.What does the man want to do now A.Watch a basketball match. B.Buy a gift for his mother. C.Go to his mother's birthday party. 2.Why does Mike plan to take the bus home A.His bicycle is broken. B.He lives far away from the company. C.Taking the bus is the most convenient. 3.When will the man arrive in Sydney A.At 11: 00 a. m. B.At 10:00 p. m. C.At 6:00 p. m. 4.How did the man book the hotel for his holiday A.On the In ... ...

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