
外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 3 War and Peace Using language Grammar 课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-10-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:66次 大小:791517Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 3 War and peace Using language(1) Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions. a  Your enemy is well trained,well equipped and battle-hardened... b  The enemy were hiding,ready to attack the Allied soldiers... c  ...people were coming together for memorial ceremonies. 1 In which sentence does the word“enemy”refer to different members Is it followed by a singular verb or plural verb ·In sentence(b),the word “enemy”refers to different members. ·It is followed by a plural verb. Subject-verb agreement(1) Subject-verb agreement(1) Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions. a  Your enemy is well trained,well equipped and battle-hardened... b  The enemy were hiding,ready to attack the Allied soldiers... c  ...people were coming together for memorial ceremonies. 2 In which sentence does the word“enemy”refer to a single unit Is it followed by a singular verb or plural verb Do you know any other similar nouns ·In sentence(a),the word “enemy” refers to a single unit. ·It is followed by a singular verb. ·Other similar nouns are family, team,class,crowd,government, etc. Subject-verb agreement(1) Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions. a  Your enemy is well trained,well equipped and battle-hardened... b  The enemy were hiding,ready to attack the Allied soldiers... c  ...people were coming together for memorial ceremonies. 3 Is the word“people”usually followed by a singular verb or plural verb Do you know any other similar nouns ·The word“people”is usually followed by a plural verb. ·Other similar nouns are police, cattle,etc. Subject-verb agreement(1) Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions. a  Your enemy is well trained,well equipped and battle-hardened... b  The enemy were hiding,ready to attack the Allied soldiers... c  ...people were coming together for memorial ceremonies. Now look for more sentences following this rule in the reading passage, and summarise the use of subject-verb agreement in your own words. The use of subject-verb agreement: When words such as enemy, team,audience are used as subjects of the sentences and are used to refer to a single unit,the words are followed by singular verbs. When they are used to refer to different members,the words are followed by plural verbs. Such words as people,cattle are usually followed by plural verbs. Correct any mistakes in these sentences or put a √ in the square brackets if they are correct. 1 Government troop have put down the uprising. [troops] 2 The police is after him. [  ] 3 The military are well-organised and prepared to fight. [  ] 4 All the machinery in this factory are made in the US. [  ] 5 The soldiers’ uniform look very smart. [   ] 6 The group was sent to rescue the missing pilot. [  ] 7 Politics are th ... ...

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