
Unit 1-3 单元模拟测试(含答案)2024-2025学年人教版九年级英语全册

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:75次 大小:41281Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024-2025学年人教版九年级 Unit 1-3 单元模拟测试 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ (时间:90分钟 满分:120分) 一、语法选择(每小题1分,共10分) Xu Xiuzhen, an elderly woman who is 78 years old, has become famous on the Internet. 1._____ of her speaking different languages bring her instant fame when she works at a tourist area selling water and other things. Xu is 2._____ a village which lies at the foot of Moon Hill. To support her family, Xu dropped out of primary school in 3._____ third grade. She has been working as a tour guide and vendor ( 小贩) since 1998. 4._____ with foreign tourists, she began to learn different languages. Many people have wondered 5._____ Xu has learned different foreign languages. Xu said she would convert (转化) words in other languages into Chinese characters according to their pronunciations. And then the words 6._____ in her head before going to bed and after waking up. Over the past 20 years, Xu 7._____ herself 11 foreign languages. 8._____ good job she has done! Her strong ability in language has made it much easier for 9._____ to communicate with foreign tourists. Xu has become one of 10._____ tour guides. But she isn't satisfied with just being a tour guide. She now owns a popular restaurant and runs a small hotel. 1. A . Video B . Videos C . Video's 2. A . about B . from C . on 3. A . a B . an C . the 4. municated B . To communicate municate 5. A . how B . where C . what 6. A . reviewed B . would review C . would be reviewed 7. A . teaches B . taught C . has taught 8. A . What an B . What a C . How 9. A . she B . her C . hers 10. A .busier B . busiest C . the busiest 二、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分) In our life, we always meet somebody or something that makes us excited, happy or sad. Now let me 11._____ my funny experience with you. I was at a train station last year. I was waiting for my train to Berlin. I had nothing to do, so I walked around the 12._____ and admired something beautiful in the shops. I enjoyed myself. Suddenly, I wanted to go to the bathroom. I searched for it, 13._____ I couldn't find it. I had to ask other people where it was. To my surprise, people I asked didn't 14._____ what I said at all. They all told me the 15. _____ was over there. But I needed to use a bathroom. Why did they 16._____ me to have a rest in the restroom I wanted to cry. I needed a bathroom, not a restroom. After half an hour, I still couldn't find the bathroom. I 17._____ I felt tired of all the walking and 18._____. I decided that maybe they were right and I did need to 19._____. I walked to the restroom. Then I was 20._____, because I realized the restroom was actually the name for the public bathroom! 11. A . share B . speak C . remember D . forget 12. A . airport d B . ship C . station D . shop 13. A . although B . but C . because D . if 14. A . tell B . understand C . believe D . consider 15. A . bathroom B . school C . office D . restroom 16. A . make B . force C . tell D . expect 17. A . gave up ... ...

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